BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Victoria "Vicki" MacDonald was a student at Waterloo Road. She was close friends with Jess and Bex Fisher and was the girlfriend of Ronan Burley until they broke up in Series 7. Vicki struggled looking after her disabled dad after her mum left, and was left devastated following his death in Series 6.

Series 5

Vicki first appears in Series 5, having presumably joined Waterloo Road following the merger with local private school John Fosters. She is shown to be close friends with Lindsay James. In Series 5 Episode 5, Vicki is briefly seen in Ruby Fry's cooking class.

In Series 5 Episode 6 it is revealed that Vicki is secretly working as a stripper in order to support her father who can no longer work. When Chris Mead finds out about her job Vicki blackmails him into saying quiet saying she will tell everyone that he purposely came onto her. She quickly snaps a picture of her kissing his cheek as evidence. Vicki finally reveals her family situation to Chris, and she apologies for blackmailing him.

Series 6

When Vicki turns up in Series 6, she instantly befriends Jess Fisher and the girls become best mates. Vicki doesn't approve of Jess's promiscuity, and isn't afraid to say so, but she is still Jess's best mate even though she doesn't approve of her life-style.

Vicki's father was taken into a home and Vicki found herself living a very solitary life in a grimy hostel in town – something she didn't tell anyone, not even Jess, but eventually Vicki tells Jess and Jess realises she needs to be nicer to Vicki because she is in need of a great best mate right now. When Karen discovered Vicki's story she moved her into the family home which gave Vicki the chance to experience some of the family life she'd missed so desperately. But eventually Vicki is forced to stand on her own two feet and move out as Karen was finding it hard to cope with another girl in the house, following the disappearance of Bex. Vicki and Jess had their ups and downs. When Vicki spilled Jess's secret to Chris (her promiscuity) this left Jess upset and mortified, Chris later told Karen, without giving her too much information, but enough to worry her. Vicki and Jess were soon friends again and they were always there for each other when they needed each other most.

Series 7

Series 7 saw Vicki growing bored of her relationship with Ronan. Despite this she accepts when Ronan asks her to marry him in Series 7 Episode 3. She finds herself being drawn to a flirtatious Aiden Scotcher and eventually succumbed to his advances. When Vicki later discovers she is pregnant with Aiden's baby, the truth comes out to everyone, including Jess. Jess announces to the whole school that Vicki had broken up with Ronan due to her sleeping with her boyfriend, Aiden. Vicki later has a miscarriage and seeks comfort in Ronan. The two of them reconcile and get back together.

In Series 7B with Aiden and Jess having now left, Ronan surprises Vicki with a flat for the two of them. However, the tensions rise between the two of them as Ronan struggles to pay the rent as he earns little money through his fruit and veg business. Vicki further struggles with exam stress and takes out her anger on Ronan, accusing him of flirting with Madi Diamond. In Series 7 Episode 14 Vicki, overwhelmed, attacks Ronan and in doing so hits her head on a shelf leaving her with a black eye. The school immediately assume that Ronan has hit Vicki but she pleads his innocence and begs him for another chance. The two of them remain together but it eventually becomes clear to both of them that their relationship is over. They mutually break up in Series 7 Episode 18. The two of them remain friends and Vicki helps Ronan with his fruit and veg business. Vicki is last seen celebrating getting her place at university in Series 7 Episode 20. After this she leaves school and goes to university.


  • Vicki starred in Let's Dance for Comic Relief in 2011.
  • She is credited as 'Vicky MacDonald' in Series 5 despite Lindsay sending a text to 'Vicki'. From Series 6 onwards she is credited as 'Vicki MacDonald'.
  • It is thought that Vicki is a former John Fosters pupil who joined Waterloo Road after the merger. This is due to her friendship with former John Fosters pupils Lindsay James and Siobhan Mailey, and also because of science teacher Chris Mead knowing her well.
  • In Series 5, Vicki is a Year 12 student. When she appears in Series 6, which is a new school year, she is a Year 12 student again. Unless she repeated a year, this is a continuity error.


  • "We've got to try it before we serve it!" (first line)

  • "Well, they're gonna have to. There are lots of cameras in that club. They get everything. Teachers sneaking in at lunchtime, teachers perving on pupils. And there's the pictures that I've got of us two."

  • "I won't tell!" (final line of her first stint)

  • "Hi, Mr Mead." (first line upon her return in Series 6)

  • Jess: "D'you know what? You're just jealous of me."
  • Vicki: "Jealous of what? You're a skank."

  • Chris: "I'm sorry, what are you talking about?"
  • Vicki: "Well, you know what Jess is like, can't keep her mouth shut any more than her legs! Don't worry, your secret's safe with me. Just make sure you start helping me out with my grades in the future, yeah?"
  • Chris: "Vicki..."
  • Vicki: "This way, you get to help me out with any problems I might be having in my private life, and I'll make sure I keep quiet about yours."

  • "Uh no, it'll be a sausage fest, cos we're gonna tell all the girls not to come!" (to Finn about the party)

  • "Just leave it Finn, You're so chucked!" (after Sambuca walks off)

  • "Yeah, I know what you thought about me. D'you know that dress that you made for me? That is the nicest thing that anyone's ever done. I've just been so...selfish and stuck-up, I've not seen what's right in front of my eyes." (about her and Ronan, as they get together)

  • "I thought you loved me." (to Aiden)

  • "Look, you're probably not gonna wanna hear this, but...I wanted that baby. It was gonna be my family. I can't believe it's gone."

  • Vicki: "It's ours? What the hell are you on?"
  • Ronan: "It's all true! Can move in today if you want to!"
  • Vicki: "Are you nuts? Where'd you get the money for this?" (after Ronan shows her their new flat)

  • "I'm really sorry. Ronan? Look, everything's just getting to me. I feel like people are just watching me, and waiting for me to fail." (after attacking Ronan)

  • "Ronan didn't do anything, he didn't hit me, I hit him!"

  • "What, and you'll pay me?" (final line)