Tina Allen was the mother of Scout and Liam Allen.
In Series 7 Episode 8, Scout is caught with drugs, Scout tells Mr Mead that Tina had MS and needed the drugs to survive. However, Scout was lying and Tina revealed to Mr Mead that Scout needs to sell the drugs to earn a living for the family.
Tina was also involved in the marriage of Scout and Danilo Babicz where Danilo's brother, Yevhen, was prepared to pay for the service of Scout in order for the pair to not get deported back to the Ukraine. However, Tom Clarkson soon hears of the event and rushes to the registry office and was even prepared to chase after Danilo's brother after he makes a run for it. Tina was then arrested.
In Series 8 Episode 19, Tina hitchhikes up to Greenock (having misspelt it "Greenok" on her cardboard) where she encounters Imogen Stewart on a run. She informs Imogen to find Scout in her lunch break. At first, Scout rejects her mother, not forgiving her from the situation with Danilo but she then sees that her mother is sleeping rough and finds her a place to sleep in a storage room in the School House.
In Series 8 Episode 20, Tina is sat in the storage room and claims she has a chest infection so Scout goes on a mercy mission to find her some antibiotics, even going to the school nurse, claiming that she has cystitis. She is soon caught by Grantly Budgen when she steals the prescription pad. Having failed, Scout goes back to School House, finding that Tina has departed. She panics and is seen by Michael Byrne who offers to drive her to find her mother. Suddenly, she coughs up blood and collapses, and is rushed to hospital, where she explains to Scout why she stole (for a deposit on a flat for them both.) She soon goes into cardiac arrest and dies.