Tiffany "Tiff" Westbrook is the daughter of Allie and sister of Floyd Westbrook. She and Floyd started at Waterloo Road when Allie and her boyfriend Vaughan got jobs there.
Tiffany is very optimistic, bubbly, mature, good-natured and happy. She is keen to make friends with people, even though they prove to be difficult, namely Justin. She is a peaceful girl who wants happiness for her family and makes an effort with Justin to create a nice home.
In Series 10 Episode 4, Tiffany and Justin kiss after both of them admitting they like spending time together. Since Justin found out Tiffany has a crush on him, he has not been so moody and unhappy. She and Justin begin a secret relationship in which she would visit Justin nightly in the converted garage which had been turned in to his bedroom.
After Justin tries to force Tiffany to run away with him, Allie takes her to stay with a family friend. In Series 10 Episode 10 (The Final Straw)|Episode 10]], Justin punches Allie and Vaughan takes him to the police station where he is detained, following which Floyd calls Tiffany and she returns.
After Justin is released, they bump into each other in a school corridor, and Justin says he thought he lost her, but she snaps at him for what she did to her mother, saying she doesn't even want to be friends.
After Vaughan refuses to send Justin to a boarding school, Allie feels the only way to protect Tiffany and Floyd is to leave. Tiffany's last scene includes her hugging Vaughan and sadly sitting down in the back of a taxi. They drive off, and aren't seen again.
- "Ew, Mum!" (first line)
- Tiffany: "Hi. Are you Justin and Leo?"
- Leo: "Yeah."
- Tiffany: "We're Allie's children. I'm Tiffany, and this is Floyd."
- Tiffany: "You've got a cool room. Feels kind of...private."
- Justin: "Yeah. Well, it's better than being in there wi' you lot."
- Tiffany: "We're alright really, you know. Just got to get to know us a bit better."
- Justin: "No thanks."
- Tiffany: "You're pathetic, d'you know that?"
- "It was her who told me to bring you that. Your dad was gonna let you starve. If you're trying to make us all hate you, it's working. The whole school thinks you're a jerk."
- "Well, then...maybe me and you could be friends? Because...underneath all that attitude, you're probably alright really. Might even be worth getting to know."
- "I can talk to who I want, Floyd! So don't be a moron!"
- Tiffany: "It's me and Justin. We've been seeing each other."
- Allie: "Seeing each other?"
- Tiffany: "Well, yeah. I wanted to be the one to tell you, because-"
- Allie: "Oh, love. I know you two get on, but he's not your boyfriend, is he? Practically your stepbrother."
- Tiffany: "Yeah, I know, but it's-it's not like that, it's more serious than that. We've...we've been sleeping together."
- "Mum! You know what, I bet I'm the only 15-year-old in the world who has to sleep in the same bed as their mother."
- "I don't love you any more! And after what you've done, I don't even wanna be friends."
- "He is sorry." (final line)