Tariq Siddiqui is a former pupil of Waterloo Road. Tariq's father moved him and his sister to the school as it is his last hope and all other options have been exhausted. Tariq's tenure at Waterloo Road is rocky and he soon finds himself in a rivalry with almost everyone he encounters. Despite Tariq's past, Michael has faith in him and believes he is a natural leader and appoints him a prefect, a position he loses as soon as he gains it for continued bad behaviour. Tariq also later runs for Head Boy but loses to Finn Sharkey, who soon becomes his rival.
Despite all his flaws Tariq cares deeply for his family, especially his sisters Trudi and Naseem. However, he firmly believes he knows what is best for Trudi and attempts to control her every move, which causes Trudi to resent him at times.
Series 7[]

Tariq in Series 7
In Series 7 Episode 21, Tariq is quickly roped in to the school's newest threat, the 'Dale Sken Crew' (DSC), a gang active in the area. Tariq's former cellmate Mason Price joins Waterloo Road. Kyle reveals that he has been with the gang all summer and both him and Mason are members of the DSC. Mason and Kyle want to recruit Tariq into the DSC. After Chalky disrespects Tariq, Kyle and Mason both decide that he needs to get some revenge; after hitting the fire alarm they vandalise his classroom and graffiti the DSC tag on his whiteboard.
Tariq is sceptical about joining the DSC, but after Mason acquires a knife from Gaz, a fellow gang member, after Finn pushed Mason to the floor, Tariq is threatened into membership by Kyle and Mason. They tell him they will put the word out that he is an enemy to the DSC. After agreeing to join, Tariq is tasked with luring Finn to the arcade where the rest of the DSC will be waiting. Tariq and Finn get in to a fistfight which ends with Mason taking out the knife and telling Tariq to stab Finn. Chalky arrives and stands between Mason and Finn, refusing to move despite Mason brandishing the knife in front of him. The police soon arrive and the rest of the DSC flee, before Mason is arrested.
In Episode 22, Tariq is convinced by Chalky to run for Head Boy and is given a knife by Kyle Stack after he correctly believes Tariq is looking for a way out of the DSC. Kyle tells Tariq he can't back out of the gang as his prints are now on the same knife that was used in a robbery. Tariq loses the Head Boy vote to rival Finn Sharkey, and as a result he resets his sights on the DSC.
In Episode 24, Tariq is angry at Trudi after she forgets it is the 1 year anniversary of the death of their mother. Tariq, Naseem and Trudi visit her grave to pay respects.
In Episode 25, Tariq tags a wall in town with the DSC symbol for an article for the school newspaper. Later on, he finally discovers that Trudi is pregnant with Finn's baby. He agrees to support her in whatever decision she makes after she tells him she won't be controlled anymore. He also begins a relationship with Emily James.
In Episode 26, Kyle hatches a plan to start a fight with rival gang the 'Murray Set Boyz' (MSB) led by Eugene during the school's running event at the Murray estate. Tariq and Kyle engage in a mostly verbal altercation with the MSB before it is broken up by Chalky. Eugene later ends up at Waterloo Road after the run and is threatened by Kyle and Tariq, a physical fight ensues before it is broken up by Chalky and Michael. Tariq and Kyle lie to Michael claiming Eugene came for them. Michael then hints to them he knows they are both members of the DSC.
In Episode 27, Tariq goes with Trudi to the abortion clinic, but she is unable to go through with it. Kyle sees Finn purchasing a car from Eugene, and he and Tariq vandalise it. After the exam, Finn discovers his vandalised car and Tariq mocks him, he also learns from Finn that Trudi has had a miscarriage, which Tariq is happy about.
In Episode 28, Tariq and Kyle sell illegally imported Russian vodka, they convince Harley Taylor to help them after Kyle gives him some new trainers. Trudi also learns from Tariq that Finn has joined the MSB. Kyle is later excluded after hitting Nikki Boston after the vodka is found in his locker.
In Episode 29, the MSB enlists Finn to carry out an arson attack on the DSC's hangout. Finn throws a molotov cocktail inside, unaware Naseem is in there. He runs in and saves her. Tariq attacks Finn and the rest of the DSC arrive as Eugene and the rest of the MSB come out of the bushes. A brawl is about to erupt before Michael and Trudi arrive and both gangs flee.
In the final episode of the series, Kyle plans to kill Finn with a crossbow that Kyle had ordered to Tariq's house. Tariq is immediately uneasy with the idea, but is talked in to it by Kyle. Tariq distracts Ronan, who has returned to cater for the prom, while Kyle puts the crossbow in the back of Ronan's van so they can get it past the metal detectors and into the school; Tariq then hides the crossbow in his locker.
Later, Tariq witnesses the MSB come into the school to attack Finn for leaving the gang; they later confront Tariq, who informs Eugene that Finn is on "borrowed time" and that he and Kyle are going to take care of him at prom. Eugene says that Tariq has bigger problems with Finn than he does, and so he can deal with Finn and there will be "no comeback". Tariq fakes a truce with Finn and the pair shake hands. Josh, having overheard Tariq and Eugene, tries to warn Finn that Tariq isn't genuine and is up to something, but Finn won't believe him.
Tariq tries to back out again as he and Kyle practise with the crossbow, but Kyle threatens him. He then tells him to move the crossbow to the top of the bike shed in case Tariq's locker gets searched. When the school is finally closed and all the students are leaving, Michael tells Tariq about the plan to open the new Waterloo Road in Scotland and that he is more than welcome to a place if he wants it, but Tariq is not interested. Immediately afterwards he goes to the bike shed and moves the crossbow to the locker room so that Kyle won't be able to find it. Later, as the secret prom begins, Tariq and Kyle arrive and Tariq informs Kyle that the crossbow has gone missing and that he will pay Kyle back. Kyle acts like he is unbothered, telling Tariq "it's your beef", and Tariq goes inside. Kyle then breaks into the school to look for the crossbow.
In the meantime, at the prom, Tariq speaks to Trudi and tells her that he is leaving the gang and she should stay with Finn if it makes her happy, he also asks Finn to make sure she gets home safe. Tariq leaves the school and goes to the locker room to take the crossbow with him, only to find that Kyle has already taken it. He runs back to the dance to warn Finn. Kyle steps out of the shadows and fires the crossbow at Finn, but Josh pushes him out of the way, getting his arm grazed by the bolt. Michael restrains Kyle and he is arrested and sent to prison. Tariq tells Michael he will go to the police and tell them everything about the DSC.
The day of the Scotland move, the students and teachers board the bus. Tariq arrives and Michael tells him "clean slate". The group stop by the England-Scotland border to pose for a picture. A horn is heard, and a speeding lorry swerves straight at the group.
Series 8[]

Tariq in Series 8
The opening scene of Episode 1 reveals that Tariq has been left paralysed from the waist down and wheelchair-bound as a result of the lorry crash at the end of the previous episode. He lives in the schoolhouse and feels his life is over. People treat him differently and don't believe him to be capable of even basic tasks anymore. Sian visits him at the schoolhouse to inform him of the prosecution of the drunk lorry driver who left him paralysed and killed Denzil; she suggests that he should take up canoeing, but he doesn't appear interested.
In Episode 2, Tariq attends the memorial service for Denzil. Josh tries to convince Tariq that he is still capable of achieving great things; he sets up ropes in the gym for Tariq to climb, but Tariq falls and is stuck on the floor, later hiding under the stage out of shame. Lula Tsibi finds him under the stage and she tells him that God has punished him for having "an ugly heart" and that is why he is now in a wheelchair. Tariq becomes visibly angry when she tells him it is because of bad things he has done in the past. Sian comes to speak to him and he tells her that he thinks Lula is right and that it is karma what happened to him. Sian and Josh tell him that isn't the case, as Denzil did nothing to deserve to die.
In Episode 3, Tariq falls out of the bath at the schoolhouse and is unable to get himself back in to his wheelchair. He is mortified when Grantly has to come and help him, and tells Grantly he doesn't know how he is going to use a kayak if he can't even get out of the bath himself. Tariq continues to become more hostile to those around him, especially Josh who wants to come to Tariq's kayak trial to support him.
Tom asks Tariq to fetch some books from his car, and while he is outside he urinates himself due to being unable to control the lower half of his body properly; he throws the box of books to the floor and starts to cry. When he goes back inside, Gus clocks that he has wet himself and publicly humiliates him in front of the other pupils.
Tariq records a video message of himself for Trudi, who has since moved to Canada; he is deliberately vague in his wording, but this is essentially his suicide note as he plans to drown himself at the kayak trial later on. After Phoenix tells Tariq that he wants to fight Gus for mocking him earlier, Tariq tells him he doesn't want him to and that "life's too short". When he hears that Scout, Josh and Phoenix want to come to the trial to support him, he changes his mind about the fight and tells Phoenix he should go; he later tells Gus that it won't just be Phoenix he has to fight and that he should bring some backup.
Josh begins to grow suspicious that Tariq may be in trouble, and asks Chalky to hack into Tariq's email account, where they find his suicide video, and Chalky immediately informs Michael, who tries to call Tom.
Tom and Tariq have arrived at the kayaking trial. Tariq tells Tom that he left his phone in the car, in order to distract him. Tariq takes out Tom's phone and sees there is 4 missed calls, and leaves the phone on his wheelchair after getting into his kayak. Tariq paddles out into the lake and removes his life jacket. Michael soon arrives and goes to get help for Tariq. Michael returns with a boat driver as Tariq flips the kayak upside-down, fully submerging himself underwater underneath it. In the boat, Michael reaches Tariq in time and is able to save him from drowning himself. Back on the shore, Michael is able to talk some sense into Tariq and he insists he still wants to do the kayaking trial. They all return to school after the trial, where Josh reminds Tariq about Phoenix and Gus's fight; Tariq goes to the fight and intervenes, and he and Gus make up.
In Episode 4, Tariq, along with the other Waterloo Road boys, take part in a rowing machine marathon to raise money for his kayaking gear. They managed to make enough money to pay for kayaking gear with some extra cash from Lorraine Donnegan
In Episode 5, during the interschool competition between Havelock High and Waterloo Road, Tariq finds Havelock student Liberty Gordon taking pills before the race, and informs Havelock headteacher Gerard Findlay.
In Episode 7, Tariq attends the work experience day at Lorraine's call centre.
In Episode 10, Tariq finds out that he has earned a place on the Paracanoeing World Championships team. He also proposes to his girlfriend Liberty, but she rejects him, but they agree to continue their relationship regardless. The school holds a celebration party for Tariq before he leaves the school.
Series 9[]

Tariq in Series 9
In Episode 7, Tariq attends Grantly's funeral and helps Kacey with her boxing training. This marks his final appearance.
- Actor Naveed Choudhry, before he played Tariq, appeared in Waterloo Road before in a few episodes of Series 3 and 4 as Shahid Kapoor, one of the troublemakers and friends of Bolton Smilie.
- In Series 9 Episode 7, Tariq is the only past character that returned to the show to attend Grantly's funeral.
- "Big deal." (first line)
- "Cuss me like that again, they'll be feeding you through a straw."
- "Leadership qualities. Something you wouldn't understand, sir."
- "And if you come near her again, I will kill you!"
- Finn: "Ey, don't speak to her like that."
- Tariq: "You what?"
- Trudi: "Leave it, Finn."
- Finn: "Nah, I'm not gonna let him bully you."
- Tariq: "What's it to do with you?"
- Finn: "We're together."
- Tariq: [scoffs] "No you're not."
- "You suck up to me all day so you can get your leg over my sister?!"
- Tariq: "Make me! Mr Teacher Man!"
- Madi: "Give it up, Tariq."
- Tariq: "You ain't got a clue, have you?"
- Greg: "I'm warning you."
- Tariq: "Is that the best you can do, you muppet?!"
- "Islam's in my bones, fam. Something you wouldn't understand."
- "Look, he just wants to get in your pants! You might as well go the whole distance, and charge him while you're at it. Then you'll be a proper skank."
- "Look, you're part of it now yeah, rude boy. Let's just stick together, yeah?"
- Tariq: "What if I say I don't wanna do it?"
- Kyle: "Look at Sharkey's face. Then you'll get the idea."
- Tariq: "Like I'm gonna back out now, fam! I've got unfinished business, you get me?"
- Tariq: "I'm happy for you. He loves you, any fool can see that. I'm gonna leave the gang, by the way."
- Trudi: "Good."
- Tariq: "Just make sure she gets home alright?"
- Tariq: "There's a crossbow, it's gone! Someone own up, own up right now!"
- Michael: "What are you talking about?"
- Tariq: "I think it must be Kyle, he's taken it, he's going after Finn!"
- Tariq: "Yeah? You wanna try taking a slash with no legs."
- Sian: "You know, there's a canoeing club near here."
- Tariq: "So?"
- Sian: "So you should think about joining up. It'll keep you fit, and it'll give you a sense of freedom and control."
- Tariq: "You need legs to get in a boat."
- Madi: "So, um...does everything still work downstairs?"
- Tariq: "Why don't you sit on my lap and find out?"
- "Trudi, how's Canada? Hope the hotel's not working you too hard. I got the pictures. You and Finn look happy. Really happy. I'm glad. Really glad. Thing is, I can't come to see you. But...I couldn't not speak to you. Make you understand. Dad doesn't come to the phone, and Nas...she's too young. Thing is, I'm moving on myself. Can't live like this, you get me? You can rob a man of anything, except his pride. Look after Dad...and Nas, yeah? I love you."
- Michael: "Come on, talk to me, Tariq. I really want to help you."
- Tariq: "Then you should've let me die."
- "I swear my man still thinks he's in Hogwarts!"
- "Old people having sex? Should be a law against it."
- Lorraine: "Morning! OK, this is what the future looks like, is it? Where is your get-up-and-go?"
- Tariq: "Got up and gone!"
- "Outta the way, ripped hunk of a man coming through!"
- "Uh, for the past two years, Waterloo Road's been like a home to me. More than a home, a family. And like with every family, you have a head of the family, um, the dad is one Michael Byrne! And the mum, Miss Donnegan! Come on, give it up! And like with all families, you take the good with the bad, warts and all, but you never give up, and you're always there for one another. Now, some of us do have families, and some of us don't, but we all have this place, right? And if it wasn't for my family, this Waterloo Road home family ting right here, I'd probably be dead. Straight up. Lying on a slab with a needle in my arm, homies by my side, sad for like a second, until they find the next muppet to get lairy with. But me now? I'm gonna be an athlete. Professional, maybe. But I'm gonna do my family proud. And this place, for standing by me through thick and thin - and boy was I thick! But you know what? It rocks to be smart. So I'm gonna hand you over to Miss Donnegan, so she can big me up a bit more. So show her some love!"
- "You better, or else I'm coming for you!" (final line of his regular stint)
- "Aw, don't mention it, Mrs B." (first line upon his return in Series 9)
- Tariq: "It's a great opportunity for her. It's an international school in Miami."
- Carol: "I'm sorry, and who are you exactly?"
- Tariq: "I'm helping Kacey with her specialist training."
- Carol: "Not exactly Rocky, are you, love?"
- "Look where they're all sat. They've not forgotten. No-one's sat in his seat. Eat up. Unless you wanna try one of my protein shakes." (final line)