BBC Waterloo Road Wiki
BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Stacey Walsh is a student who appears in the first few episodes of Series 1 of Waterloo Road. She is portrayed by Stephanie Laguna Walker.


Stacey is first seen when Andrew Treneman is issuing the seating plan for his class. Stacey protests, saying that she always sits next to her friend Kelly Cathcart. Mr Treneman doesn't listen and replies by saying, "you always get grade Es together too". She then sits in her seat.

She is next seen reading her english work on To Kill a Mockingbird, when Donte Charles' father, Clarence Charles bursts in and punches Mr Treneman for confiscating Donte's phone.

List of appearances[]

  1. Series 1 Episode 1
  2. Series 1 Episode 3
  3. Series 1 Episode 6