Stacey Appleyard, portrayed by Holliday Grainger (credited as Holly Grainger), is a former pupil at Waterloo Road who lived with her father, Terry, after her mother abandoned her. It becomes evident that this abandonment by her mother has left Stacey with some coping issues. Stacey is close friends with Chlo Grainger, Janeece Bryant and Maxine Barlow.
Stacey develops a crush on teacher Tom Clarkson, and believes the feeling is mutual, despite this not being the case. Stacey persuades Chlo to let her stay over to do homework, although, her real intentions were to spend the night closer to Tom. Whilst Tom is sleeping, Stacey sneaks into his room and gets as far as getting into bed with him before Chlo and Mika walk in and find her. Their mother and Tom's partner, Izzie, was out and unaware of the situation. Tom shouts at Stacey to get out of the house. Izzie finds the situation too much and breaks up with Tom.
Shortly after this incident, Stacey finds herself victim to a rapist who had previously sexually assaulted Celine Dixon. Stacey manages to get free and runs away, coming in contact with Lewis Seddon which makes her believe he is the attacker. Lewis is wrongly arrested, and it soon come out that the real attacker was Kevin Hurst (Maxine's stepfather).
Stacey attempted to forge a relationship between her father, Terry, and teacher, Kim Campbell. Along with other pupils (including Janeece, Maxine, Chlo and Donte), Stacey undertakes work experience. During her time there, she steals the purse of the supervisor in order to buy a present for Kim Campbell, supposedly from her father. To avoid detection, she framed Maxine, but Kim soon realised who the true thief was.