BBC Waterloo Road Wiki
BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Siobhan Geary was a student at Waterloo Road in Series 2.

Courtney was first seen in S2E11, where she and her friend Courtney were seen buying homemade MDMA from Jed Seddon at his, Gemma and Lewis Seddon's burger van on the school grounds. Courtney and Siobhan were later seen in Grantly Budgen's English class while under the influence of the drug, which made them loudly giggly, and mocking of Grantly's attempts to silence them, resulting in him sending them to the cooler, where Courtney experienced a panic attack in front of Kim Campbell as a side-effect of the drug, leading Kim to immediately suspect that she had taken something. They were sent to Jack Rimmer's office, where Courtney denied they had taken anything. Siobhan later took some more MDMA, and collapsed from an overdose.

In S2E12, Siobhan was revealed to be in a coma as a result of her overdose. Jed Seddon threatened Courtney to keep quiet about where she got the drugs from. Later, in Kim Campbell's art class, Janeece Bryant, taken in by Jerry Preston's creationist doctrine, states that Siobhan should "ask God for forgiveness or she'll go to hell and die", and then blames Courtney for Siobhan's coma, causing Courtney to storm out of the classroom. Kim follows her into the girls' toilets, where Courtney hints she knows who is dealing the drugs but refuses to reveal Jed's identity, stating "you don't know what he'd do."

Siobhan is mentioned by Jerry Preston during his speech at the school memorial service for Lorna Dickey, where he stated that Siobhan was in a coma because "she could not and was not strong enough to turn her back on temptation."

Neither Courtney or Siobhan are seen again.
