Shaznay Montrose was a mouthy, assertive girl who was often seen bullying others. She was very cognizant of how people treated and made assumptions about her. For example, in one episode, when Audrey McFall asked her if she had seen Lula, she replied "Why are you asking me? Is it because I is black?".
She is also seen to be either overly dramatic or having a fear of fire, as demonstrated in Series 9 Episode 2, when Sue gets locked in a cupboard and the fire alarm sounds following a science experiment gone wrong, and Shaznay is heard to scream "AAARRGGHH! IT'S A FIRE! IT'S A FIRE!" after being told it is not a drill.
When Lula Tsibi is under threat of deportation, and the students protest, Shaznay tries to protect Lula by impersonating her, and gets taken away by immigration officers in front of Maggie Budgen. Shaznay is later returned to school after Cecile Tsibi confirms that she is not her daughter.
In later series, Shaznay is seen to be close friends with Lisa Brown.
- "Oh my god." (first line)
- George: "It's the same question as I've just asked three other people - what did you do during your holidays?"
- Shaznay: "Got wasted with my mates and nicked my uncle's car."
- "Did you hear? Sickbag's broken her neck."
- "Oi! Pick on one sister, you pick on us all!"
- "You see Stevie Stutterhead? Weirdo, right?"
- "That woman was a bit out of your league though, weren't she, Miss?"
- Shaznay: "She chats well posh, innit, sir."
- Marjorie: "I'm sorry, I'm not fluent in council estate slang. Can somebody please translate?"
- Shaznay: "I heard she dumped him before he collapsed."
- Rhiannon: "What's that got to do with anything?"
- Shaznay: "I'm just saying, Dynasty probably stressed him out or something." (speculating about the cause of Kevin's collapse after he has a stroke)
- "Why are you asking me? Is it because I is black?"
- "It's alright, Mrs Budgen, I can't hide forever. Je m'appelle Lula Tsibi."
- "No way, I'm not giving up my phone cos some weirdo wants to take photos!"
- Shaznay: "Yeah, and aren't teachers supposed to teach us good manners?"
- Allie: "You're absolutely right, um...?"
- Shaznay: "Shaznay."
- Allie: "Shaznay. In fact, from now on you can be 'Manners Monitor', keep us all in line, eh?"
- Lisa: "You took it, didn't you?"
- Shaznay: "Me? Thieving's in your DNA!"
- "I am never gonna be a mother, ever! Angelina Jolie might have, she's mental."
- Allie: "Think we all agree it's a very generous offer."
- Shaznay: "Slave labour, more like."
- "I don't blame her, Justin's well fit! What about you and Floyd? You'd make a lovely couple. You should go for it!" (to Leo)
- "Yeah, but Mr Lowsley teaches English. Miss is more interested in Physical Education." (about Sue and Hector)
- "Oh my good god, check him out. Sex on legs or what? What I wouldn't do for five minutes alone with that bod." (about Scott)
- Shaznay: "That gets better and better every time I see it."
- Lisa: "Hmm. All a bit Fast and Furious for me." (about Dale)
- Shaznay: "Hey, Scott. Bet you'd look a proper fittie in lycra, wouldn't you?"
- Scott: "It's not my style. Too much chafing."
- Shaznay: "You know that fit new teacher, Mr Braxton? He's only gone and accepted my friend request!"
- Lisa: "Why d'you wanna be mates with some teacher?"
- Shaznay: "Because he's fit, duh! And soon, he'll be mine, all mine!"
- Darren: "You girls need help, seriously."
- Bonnie: "It's not Leo's fault."
- Shaznay: "From the same gene pool though, isn't he?"
- "He's not supposed to be here." (final line)