BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Future Proof is the fifth episode of Series 8.


The local paper publishes a damning report on Havelock and Findlay's slovenly attitude on the day the school is competing in a quiz and road race with Waterloo Road. Havelock's star athlete, Liberty Gordon, sold the story, and asks ex-Havelock teacher Audrey to get her into Waterloo Road. At the quiz, Waterloo Road thrashes Havelock, and, though Liberty wins the race, she is seen to be taking drugs - actually her unwell mother's painkillers, as Liberty believes she has inherited her mother's rheumatoid arthritis. Findlay is discredited, as he was aware of the drugs, and, after a confrontation with Audrey in which he loses it, he agrees Liberty should change schools. Janeece continues to exploit Daniel as a childminder for her baby Cheryl, dumping her on him in class. Connor believes he has got through to Christine when she agrees to see a doctor after falling down the stairs drunk. Sian promises Billy, who is terminally ill, that she will reconcile him with Michael, and Scout is the victim of a nasty hoax by fellow pupil Rhiannon.

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