BBC Waterloo Road Wiki
BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Troubled Waters is the third episode of Series 8.


As the feud between Havelock High, Gerard Findlay's school, and Waterloo Road continues, Findlay posts 25-year-old press cuttings around the school describing how the young Michael Byrne attacked his own father and left him for dead. The two heads confront each other, and Findlay slips whilst trying to hit Michael, who later confesses to Sian that he had only been defending his mother against his violent father. Tariq grows more despairing about his disability, and recklessly engineers a fight between ex-Havelock pupil Angus Hancock and Phoenix. Later, before a paracanoe trial, he paddles out into the water alone, takes off his life vest and flips his kayak in an attempt to drown himself. He is rescued by Michael, who gives him self-worth, and he returns to Waterloo Road to stop the fight. Things worsen between Christine and Connor, with only Audrey suspecting that Christine is trying to scapegoat the boy for her own shortcomings.

It's the day of Tariq's kayaking time trial, but a steely focus hides his true intent; Michael is publicly confronted by his past; and Connor and Christine's unhappy home life spills into school.


Down about his disability, Tariq takes drastic action to regain control of his life. Deciding to remove all unnecessary distractions from his life, he gives Phoenix and Josh his prized possessions. Concerned, Josh confides in Tom, but his father tells him not to worry.

Phoenix attempts to get Tariq to join in a fight with Gus and the Havelock High kids who have been playing pranks on the Waterloo Road schoolhouse. Tariq tells Phoenix that life's too short for petty fights. Josh probes Tariq about his out-of-character comments, but his concern is misinterpreted as pity.

Tariq is unsettled when his friends say they'll be at his kayaking trials. Desperate to go alone, he tricks Phoenix and Gus into arranging a fight with Havelock High as a distraction.

Alone at the harbour, Tariq's true intentions are revealed leaving Tom and Michael with a race against time to stop his fateful plans.

Elsewhere, Gerard Findlay is on a mission to discredit Michael. Plastering an unsettling archive newspaper story about Michael's past throughout the school, Gerard is caught red-handed by Grantly – but finds in him an unlikely ally within the Waterloo Road ranks.

As word of Michael's former indiscretion circulate the school corridors, Lorraine is horrified by the news and Sian struggles to see Michael's side of the story.

Also, Imogen snubs Connor, leading him to believe she's not interested; Christine clashes with Audrey when she shows concern for Connor's home life; and Madi takes a shine to new boy Gus.

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