BBC Waterloo Road Wiki
BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Dirty Laundry is the twenty-ninth episode of Series 8.


On Christine's first day as headteacher, the obnoxious George Windsor, now a permanent staff member, ruffles feathers, whilst Imogen's mother Sally, irate at her daughter's marriage, threatens to take her out of school. Half the sixth-formers absent themselves]] as Dynasty challenges her mother's attitude on a live TV discussion programme. Carol tries to whip up feelings against Kevin, but when his unpleasant mother Daisy is brought in, and it transpires that she threw him out when he was 10 to make way for her boyfriend, Carol is incensed and slaps her. Chaos ensues, before Christine stops transmission and Carol finally welcomes Kevin into her family. Back at school, an empowered Christine deals with rebellious parents and persuades Sally to let the young married couple stay with her. Christine invites Nikki to be her deputy, but they are surprised to learn that a complete stranger named Simon Lowsley has been appointed to the post instead by the LEA as part of the takeover deal. At the hospital, Maggie is preparing to switch off Grantly's life support, when he apparently comes out of his coma.

Main cast[]




  • Patrick Baladi as Julian Noble (One-off appearance)
  • Nicola Duffett as Daisy Skelton (One-off appearance)
  • Zöe Lucker as Carol Barry
  • Jenny Ryan as Sally Stewart
  • John Kay Steel as Dr Fielding Granger (One-off appearance)
  • Elizabeth Tan as Princess Windsor (First appearance)
  • Steff White as Bonnie McRae (One-off appearance)


  • Tom says "We're the only ones left, you and me. Waterloo Road as was." to a comatose Grantly, referencing the fact that Tom and Grantly were the show's longest-serving characters, having appeared from Series 1 up until their deaths, and they had transferred from Rochdale to Scotland and did not leave to pursue other careers, still staying to work at the school until their deaths.

External links[]
