BBC Waterloo Road Wiki
BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Tan-Tastic is the twenty-fourth episode of Series 8.


Sonya visits her mother, Alzheimer's sufferer Maureen, in her care home, and is upset when she calls her "Lorraine". Things get worse when Ndale tells her that their kiss was a one-off, and that he really loves Audrey (who later accepts his marriage proposal), and her attempt to peddle beauty products to pupils ends in disaster. She hands in her notice, but Audrey - unaware of what happened with Ndale - talks her out of it, and ultimately she accepts that she would rather be herself than try to emulate her sister. After the real Lorraine visits Maureen, who tells her that, although she is confused over Sonya's identity, she appreciates her regular visits, the sisters reconcile. Tom's son Josh returns to give a talk, seemingly in the money but actually in debt with his credit cards. He is initially disapproving of his father's offer to help Grantly, until Maggie reminds him that Grantly would otherwise be dead, and agrees to accept his father's advice over clearing his debts. Malone steps up his demands on Connor, who has foolishly bought a van with money borrowed from Barry Barry, which Malone torches whilst threatening Imogen.

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