BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Princess of Spices is the twenty-second episode of Series 8.


Lorraine brings in budget cuts which could well mean a depletion in staff. Maggie is angry that, as part of the cuts, she will be forced to tender for the canteen contract, her rival being Usman Haq, whose son is dating Rhiannon. Maggie believes that the Haqs are using Rhiannon in order to find out her strategy for the tender, and angry words are exchanged. Grantly ends up acting as peacemaker, reconciling Rhiannon and Maggie - who gets the contract whilst the Haqs become her suppliers. Christine and Connor move in with Michael, but Connor is frustrated that Imogen is not allowed to stay overnight with him. Ndale is taken on as the school's maintenance man amidst gossip and speculation that he is Audrey's toy boy, whilst Maggie asks for a donor for Grantly in the staffroom. Grantly is rushed to hospital, where he ends up in a coma.

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