BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Baby Be Mine is the seventeenth episode of Series 8.


Maggie is dismayed to learn that the heavily pregnant Jade Fleming has put her unborn child up for adoption by restaurateurs Sarah and Kaz Winters, and overreacts, lying to Jade that the child's father, the imprisoned Drew, is against the adoption. An angry Jade runs off to the Winterses, who return her in time for the PRU presentation, where she delivers an impressive, impromptu rap and indeed the whole presentation goes well, with even Barry Barry behaving himself. Connor admits to Christine he knows she was raped by her father-in-law, and this brings them closer, though she is annoyed by Michael's reaction to her false pregnancy scare. Connor also proposes marriage to Imogen now that they are back together. Jade suddenly goes into labour in the school library with only Scout, Rhiannon and Grantly to help. She is rushed by ambulance to hospital, where she gives birth to a baby girl.

Main cast[]




  • Gaynor Howe as Sarah Winters (One-off appearance)
  • Emmanuel Ighodaro as Kaz Winters (One-off appearance)

External links[]
