BBC Waterloo Road Wiki
BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Fifth episode of Series 6.


Janeece is irritated when Ruby tries to dictate her diet to her for the welfare of the baby, while Marcus's first day almost ends in disaster when his proactive approach to teaching uncovers a shocking secret about Ronan's home life. After catching Ronan selling DVDs in class, and brimming with ideas about improving parent-teacher relationships, Marcus takes it upon himself to visit Ronan's father at home. A seemingly upstanding businessman, Ronan's father is upset that his son is selling his possessions, and both he and Marcus assume Ronan must be in some sort of trouble. However, it soon becomes clear that Marcus hasn't grasped the full picture: Ronan's father is a gangster, and Ronan is in fact saving the money to flee Rochdale and escape his father's illicit family business. After a showdown in the school corridor, Ronan finally shops his father to the police. Meanwhile, Josh is still struggling to come to terms with his coming out, and things are not helped by Tom's interference.

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