BBC Waterloo Road Wiki
BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Tenth episode of Series 6 and final episode of the first part (autumn term) of Series 6.


It's the final day of term, with a charity fundraiser inspiring pupils into unique ideas. Grantly and Steph take Fleur to visit what they hope will be her new care home. However, a letter from the council to Grantly tells him that Fleur does not qualify for any sort of pension, and thus he must pay the full amount of her care, a fee which could leave him broke.

Further anguish for Grantly awaits him at the school when Ruth Kirby, upon sitting an English A-Level mock, discovers that she and the rest of the A-Level students have been taught the books set for the previous year's exams, and have no knowledge of the current year's set texts. The huge mistake Grantly made leaves his career hanging by a thread.

Elsewhere, Charlie breaks some bad news to Jess and Harry, further fuelling dislike from the pair, and Bex returns. When ex-footballer John Barnes arrives to present a cheque from the school's fundraising day to a charity, Ruth persuades Karen that it should be used to help Grantly with the cost of Fleur's care.

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