BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Eleventh episode of Series 4 and the first episode of the 'Summer Term' half of Series 4.


As a new term starts, Kim returns from Rwanda minus Andrew but with baby daughter Grace, whose paternity she is keeping to herself. She is dismayed to find that Chlo is considering leaving school to become a hairdresser, and, to Donte's displeasure, persuades her to stay on and take A-levels.

Flick is confused when she learns that Marley has somehow got together enough money for his family to move, but he maintains the pretence of being aloof with her.

A careers day brings to the school former Waterloo Road pupils Sarah-Leanne, a glamour model who tells Kim she left school because she was pregnant but has done well for herself anyway, and Peter Sutherland, a policeman who reveals that he used to have a thing for his former teacher Steph during his school days, before they have a tryst in a cupboard.

Eddie offers to help Rachel take care of Philip in Melissa's absence, saying that he did not love Melissa but was just tired of being on his own.

Main cast[]




  • Meaghan Mcpherson-Gowe as Grace Campbell (First appearance)
  • Scott Taylor as Peter Sutherland (One-off appearance)
  • Gwilym Lee as Steven (One-off appearance)
  • Rachael Elizabeth as Sarah-Leanne (One-off appearance)

External links[]
