BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Fifth episode of Series 11.


It's the day of the police inquest into the cause of Chlo's death, and Coral realises she has mixed her dates up and organised cover for the wrong day, much to Kim's annoyance. Val and Neil, meanwhile, have been roped into counting the votes for the student elections taking place throughout the day. Shola and Tonya stand for Year 9 representative, while Samia and Noel compete to represent Year 11.

In the hallway, Neil says to Tonya that she doesn't have a chance of being elected after she knocks into him. She reads one of his letters and becomes suspicious about him as it mentioned his wife. While Neil teaches the class about how Henry VIII executed two of his wives, Tonya gets it into her head that he murdered his own wife, and enlists Dwayne to help break into Neil's garden and dig her up after school.

Coral confiscates Norullah's phone after Neil says that he had video footage of the car crash on the first day on it. She takes the phone to the toilets, deletes the video and then vomits from stress and guilt. Neil gives Norullah his phone back and has a heart-to-heart with him, learning to his surprise that Norullah can speak English very well. He talks about how he and his brother moved to Manchester from Afghanistan to get a good education, and mentions that his brother has disappeared.

At the inquest, the coroner announces that no individual cause can be linked to Chlo's death despite Coral confessing to knocking the vehicle that hit Chlo and deleting the video footage. Donte asks Coral why she didn't tell him she was involved, but she maintains that she was cleared of wrongdoing initially and at the inquest.

At the hustings for the student elections, Noel announces he plans to do everything Samia promised, but better, while Shola runs on a campaign for diversity and inclusion. At the end of the day, Kim announces that Shola won the Year 9 vote and Noel won the Year 11 one, though he is disappointed to find out that he needs to do actual work as part of the role. Shola offers to help him with the required paperwork to put his plans in motion.

At netball practice, Millie Adebayo accidentally hits Coral in the back of the head with a ball, and she screams that she is not a machine and runs off to the changing rooms, much to the confusion of the students. Kim finds her and she confesses that she feels like she did cause Chlo's death despite the inquest's ruling, which Izzy overhears. Izzy calls Donte to tell him about what Coral said.

Tonya and Dwayne break into Neil's garden and, with the 'help' of Verity and Zayne, start to dig up the grass. They soon find a buried bone, which they think confirms Tonya's suspicions, but Donte and Neil find them and Neil explains that the bone is a ham hock that was buried by his neighbour's dog. He then confesses that his wife isn't actually dead, and that she just left him for his best friend and took their daughters, and he found it less humiliating to pretend to be bereaved than admit his wife left him. The letter Tonya found was from her, explaining that she and their daughters were moving to New Zealand. Donte is enraged by Neil pretending he understood his grief over Chlo, and threatens him in the garden, but leaves before things get violent. Norullah turns up afterwards to check on Neil, and gives him photos of his parents and brother.

Donte turns up at school and bursts in on Kim and Lindon meeting with Coral, and is dismayed when Coral confesses that she caused the car crash because she lost her temper. Donte then takes Izzy to his truck to go home, but before they leave, he takes a hammer from his truck and smashes Coral's car up. Wendy offers to drop Coral home in her car.

Lindon calls Hannah to tell her he can't make it work and they need to separate. He finds Kim upset in her office about how something seems to go wrong every day under her watch, and Lindon comforts her. They begin to kiss and lie down together on the sofa in her office.





  • Heather Phoenix as the coroner (One-off appearance)

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