BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Yesterday's Child is the ninth episode of Series 10.


Justin lets fly at Allie for taking Tiffany away, and demands Leo help him, but Leo has his own problems when Mandy, who he spoke to on a helpline, arrives at the school and persuades him to play truant and trash Justin's room. Vaughan is anxious when Audrey discovers that Mandy is not a schoolgirl but a fugitive from a psychiatric unit. However, Leo calms Mandy down and persuades her to return to the unit, and Vaughan realises that he has neglected Leo in order for him to take Mandy on board. Discovering Sue's affair, Simon attacks Hector in front of his class, before resigning and demanding a divorce. Rhiannon and Darren put Grace in touch with her former ballroom dancing partner Ted.

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