BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Ties That Bind is the eighth episode of Series 10.


Allie persuades Vaughan to send Justin to a boarding school to part him from Tiffany, but whilst pretending to co-operate, he plans to run away to London with her. Aware of how unrealistic this is, Tiffany alerts Allie and refuses to go. When Vaughan relents of his decision, Allie moves out, taking Tiffany with her. Gabriella believes Darren could model for her designer mother Amelia's fashion catalogue, but Amelia chooses Rhiannon to represent their fuller figure range. However, Rhiannon feels she is being exploited, and joins Gabriella and Darren in visiting elderly Grace instead. Hector takes advantage of Simon's absence on a job interview in Wales to declare his feelings for Sue - who this time responds.

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