BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Pool Party is the fourth episode of Series 10.


Gabriella Wark returns to school from therapy a far gentler person, though she encounters general hostility from most of the staff and pupils, except Rhiannon, Floyd and Tiffany, whom she invites to her house in her parents' absence. The vindictive Shaznay and Lisa find out and alert dozens of students to the house, and chaos ensues, with the two nasty girls trashing Gabriella's dead sister's room. A fight breaks out and Gabriella is knocked unconscious and falls into the swimming pool, from where she is rescued by Kacey. Sue and Hector are summoned and order the gatecrashers to clear up the mess, appreciating that they have misjudged Gabriella, who is trying to improve. Sue and Hector end up kissing. So do Tiffany, who leaves the party early, and Justin, who has accompanied Vaughan and Leo to see Olga in hospital and wrongly assumes that his parents may reconcile.

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