BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

The following is the list of people, in their episodes, that have occupied the post of School Secretary at Waterloo Road.

The Secretary, once described as the "beating heart of the school", was responsible for all aspects of administration including pupil admissions, letters and parent communication. They worked closely with their respective Headteacher and rarely entered the staff room.

As the series went on, the post holder had a bigger role in the school and went on to have starring roles, for example, Janeece's involvement in Series 6 Episode 12 where she helped student Billie with her child.

The final main storyline of the school secretary was when Sonya Donnegan fell into a pit of lies after accidentally telling Guy Braxton that she had cancer, particularly when she opened up about this during a press campaign in Series 10 Episode 19.

Secatery office

New set Secretary Office.

List of Secretaries[]

Estelle Cooper (Series 1 Ep 1 - Ep 8)

Davina Shackleton (Series 2 Ep 1 - Ep 12)

Bridget Morley (Series 3 Ep 1 - Ep 20)

Joyce (Series 4 Ep 1 - Series 5 Ep 20)

Jenny (Series 5 Episode 11)

Janeece Bryant (Series 6 Ep 1 - Series 8 Ep 6)

Sonya Donnegan (Series 8 Ep 9 - Series 10 Ep 20

Wendy Whitwell (Series 11 Ep 1 - )
