BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Schumacher 'Schuey' Weever is a student at Waterloo Road High School. He first appears in Series 13 Episode 1 as one of a group of students who have poor attendance records. He is the older brother of Portia Weever and the cousin of Dean and Steve Weever.

Series 13[]

In Series 13 Episode 1, Schuey immediately gets himself into trouble on his first day, after along with the help of Tonya Walters he hijacks the school bus and drives it to the school. Later, Tonya punches Schuey in the face for calling her a girl, and he lies that school caretaker Donte Charles did it, to hide the shame of being hit by a girl. Donte calls Schuey a scumbag and Schuey wants to get him back.

Tonya comes up with a plan to steal the bracelet of Izzy's that Izzy gave to Donte to fix. Tonya and Portia flood the bathrooms to distract Donte while Schuey and Tonya sneak into his office to look for it. Donte comes back into the office, and when he puts his coat down, Tonya steals the bracelet from his pocket. After discovering that the bracelet belonged to Izzy's late mother Chlo, Tonya returns the bracelet after bribing Schuey with a pair of flash trainers to give the bracelet back to her.

When Schuey discovers that the trainers are just one of many expensive things Tonya has in her stash of stolen goods, he says a mate of his can give a good price for the stash, and Tonya and Schuey become 'partners in crime'.

In Series 13 Episode 3, after Dean and Schuey mock Shola Aku for attending Mike Rutherford's self-defence classes, Shola takes Schuey down with a kick to the leg learned in the class. Later, Schuey steals Shola's diary and reads aloud to the school an excerpt of Shola's fantasy about Mike that she wrote in the diary.

In Series 13 Episode 4, Schuey is one of the students who are made to help cook Jamaican food as part of the school's Jamaica day.

In Series 13 Episode 5, Schuey goes on the warpath against Amy Spratt after she drives through a puddle in her new car and accidentally splashes his brand new trainers as he was walking to school. He lets the air out of one of her tyres and keys the car with her car key, and when she later confronts him about this, he turns aggressive and threatens her. Amy snaps and gets in his face saying "you don't scare me, little man" while waggling her pinky finger at him in a crude gesture. Libby Guthrie films this and posts the video, and it goes viral. Schuey's father Pete is later called into school because of the altercation. At the end of the episode, Schuey is in his bedroom when Pete bursts in and messes the room up. Schuey is shown to be scared of his father.

In Series 13 Episode 6, Schuey is one of the students who are forced to come into school on inset day to do GSCE revision with Maths teacher Marc Todd while the rest of the staff are away attending teacher training sessions at another school. Schuey locks Marc in the cupboard and the students run amok in the staffroom, with Schuey urinating in Lindon King's mug.

In Series 13 Episode 7, Pete comes into school again for a meeting with the head, during which Schuey is sent to the Behavioural Unit (BU) for his part in the events of the previous episode. Schuey also asks Tonya to retrieve their stash of stolen goods as he has a buyer, but when she tries to get it out of her hiding place in a vent underneath the school's electric fuse box, she accidentally causes a school-wide power outage, and when Donte goes to investigate, he finds the entire stash. Schuey demands that Tonya either get the stash back or find another way to get him the £400 that he would have got for selling the stuff. Tonya's brother Preston finds out and grabs Schuey up against a wall, threatening to call the police, but Schuey says that Tonya did all the stealing and would be the one on CCTV. The truth comes out about Schuey and Tonya's thievery after Preston is caught trying to steal the stash back for Schuey, and at the end of the episode, Schuey and Portia go home to find a police car outside their house.

In Series 13 Episode 8, headteacher Kim Campbell and Tonya and Preston's mother Nicky Walters find Schuey locked in the boot of his father's car, seemingly having been locked in there all night. Schuey refuses to go to hospital and tries to claim that he was put in the boot by a "mate having a laugh", denying that his father did it. Kim and Nicky take him into school, where he continues to refuse to talk. When he hears that Pete is coming in, he runs away and tries to run out of school, but Donte stops him. Pete then shows up and tries to punch Donte but Donte punches him. Pete then tries to run over Donte but Nicky pushes him out of the way and gets run over herself, and Pete is arrested. After this, social worker Jamilah Omar explains to Schuey that he and Portia will be taken into care, and urges Schuey to tell the truth about his father. When Jamilah asks Schuey what he means when he says "It's me who gets my dad like that", Schuey lifts up his sleeve to reveal his arm is covered in bruises.

Series 14[]

At the beginning of the series Schuey is living in a care home with his friend Boz Osbourne while Portia is living with a foster family, which Schuey resents her for, feeling as though they're not a proper family anymore. With the arrival of Steve Savage and his son Billy to the school, Schuey sees a new target. He begins bullying Billy both verbally and physically, smashing his guitar his late mother gave him and trying to rope him into his bike stealing antics. Billy doesn't resist the bullying and refuses to tell his father about it. One of the bikes Schuey steals belongs to Dwayne Jackson, who figures out the culprit after his bike light falls out of Schuey's bag. Schuey, Dwayne and Boz get into a scuffle before Preston Walters intervenes to help Dwayne.

After Boz is killed accidentally by Billy in a trap intended for Schuey, the resulting police investigation first apprehends Preston as a suspect due to his fight with Boz and Schuey. However, Steve, who knows that his son killed Boz and about Schuey's bullying, plants evidence in Schuey's locker and tells Mike Rutherford he saw Schuey in the area where Boz was killed to get back at him and to cover for Billy. Schuey is remanded in police custody and later taken to a youth detention centre awaiting trial. Schuey asks for Kim to come see him as he has nobody else to turn to, and he professes his innocence to her. Kim investigates around the school and is eventually told by Donte Charles that Steve confessed to framing Schuey. Billy and Steve are arrested and Schuey is released.

Series 15[]


  • "Here. Go on, run! No, hey, this way! Come on!" (first line)

  • Mike: "Schumacher Weever."
  • Schuey: "Schuey, actually. Get it right."

  • "And you call yourself a Weever! How about you put her back in her box?!" (to Dean about Kelly Jo)

  • Schuey: "Oh! Is that it? You're not gonna give her detention for that?!"
  • Mike: "Don't think that'll be necessary."
  • Schuey: "Ho, but if it was the other way around, you'd have me in a chokehold quicker than that!"

  • "You just think you're so much better than me! You think you've got all this power, but that's only in here. That's only during the day. So what about at night? What about when you're walking alone, all by yourself? I know you need to walk through the park. You're nothing. And you need to learn how to shut up! Or maybe, it won't just be your car getting damaged next time."

  • Schuey: "I'm getting 400 quid for that."
  • Tonya: "Yeah, I know."
  • Schuey: " are either gonna go get that stuff, or you are gonna get me my money."

  • "I can't say nothing. Not without ruining my sister's life."

  • Schuey: "Get a load of the new TA! Thinks we have to do what he says."
  • Joe: "Oh, yeah. Mr Savage? He's your new headteacher, Weever."

  • Steve: "I'm tryna help you, Schuey."
  • Schuey: "Funny. That's what Campbell said. Helped get my dad in prison, get me in a dive living by myself!"

  • "You may as well top yourself now. Cos every second of every day that you spend in MY SCHOOL, you're gonna hate. And every time that you see me coming, you'll wish you were dead."

  • Coral: "Get rid of the gum, Mr Weever."
  • Schuey: "Make the class less boring, Miss Walker."

  • "What, you think you're a big man now? All cos you impressed Daddy and some saddos with your singing?"

  • "You came running back to me with my bracelet like a good little doggie bringing the ball back. Mate, I knew you were pathetic, but I didn't know you were that pathetic."

  • Sergeant: "OK. Mr Weever. Who you gonna call? And please don't say 'Ghostbusters'. I hear it ten times a day."
  • Schuey: "Miss Campbell. I wanna call Kim Campbell."