Samia Choudhry is a former student of Waterloo Road High School. She is the popular girl at school who never fails to raise her voice and was part of the school's 'it' couple with her ex-boyfriend Preston Walters. She is also close friends with Kelly Jo Rafferty.
Series 11[]
In Series 11 Episode 1, Samia leads the protests against the school's then-name of William Beswick High School, which descends into rioting.
Samia and Preston's close relationship is tested when he becomes distant, not wanting to tell her about his family getting evicted or his panic attack. When she speaks to his mother Nicky about it he tells her to stop talking about him behind his back.
Samia runs in the Year 11 student council election, but is beaten by Noel McManus.
Samia disapproves of Kelly Jo's relationship with Dean Weever, and when she finds out that some of the boys at the school have been participating in a 'Hot or Not' group chat in which they rate the girls' looks, she accuses Dean of starting it, but she later discovers that it was Preston, and breaks up with him after leading the cheerleaders in a protest against the group chat during a school basketball friendly match.
Series 12[]
In Series 12, Samia begins a relationship with Danny Lewis, and is his major support system after he is expelled from Waterloo Road and sentenced to attend a prison-like PRU after stabbing Vinny McCullen at the end of the previous series. Samia's father strongly disapproves, so they are forced to hide their relationship from them.
Samia is also supportive of Preston and Kai's relationship.
Samia and Danny's relationship is tested after she sees him helping Vinny to steal some computers, but she forgives him after he explains that he was helping a desperate Nicky Walters to steal the computers for Vinny as she owed him a lot of money.
At the end of the series, Danny and Samia are alone in a store cupboard when an unstable Myles Massey locks them in and sets fire to the place. Danny manages to break out of the cupboard and fights Myles. Danny manages to get Samia and Myles out of the burning building, but there is an explosion before Danny can get out, and he is killed, leaving Samia devastated.
Series 13[]
In Series 13, Samia attempts to throw herself into study to help her get over Danny's death, but after being picked on by new kid Stace Neville, she gives up and throws her worksheets in the air.
Samia also befriends Libby Guthrie during this series, and falls out with Kelly Jo after siding with Libby after Libby deliberately wound Kelly Jo up. The episode after that is mock exam day, and Samia wants to pass the history mock, and Libby finds a GCSE history paper in her father, history teacher Neil Guthrie's desk, which she gives to Samia, though it later transpires that it is the wrong paper when Samia fails the mock. When Samia later tells Libby that she would be too busy to hang out with her, Libby cruelly ends their friendship calling Samia "draining and clingy". Samia also makes up with Kelly Jo.
In Series 13 Episode 6, Samia finds out from Dean that Kelly Jo is pregnant and going to hospital that day to have an abortion. Dean begs Samia to go and talk Kelly Jo out of it, but Samia ends up going to the hospital with Kelly Jo and supporting her through it.
At the end of the series, Samia finishes school and leaves to start at university.
Series 14[]
In Series 14 Episode 8, Samia returns alongside Kai for Preston's surprise 18th birthday. She is not seen again after this.
- "Listen up! We've only got one chance to do this! This is our school, and we need to make them listen! How many of you are sick and tired of being ignored?! How many of you feel like you deserve better?! This is our school, take a look around, and what do you see? A building that's built on history that doesn't even reflect who we are! Sir, we're not moving until we're taking that down, do you hear?" (first line)
- "Well, we told you! If the council didn't change the name, then we'd have to make 'em!"
- "So, you don't agree with getting rid of the racist name, Sir?"
- "There you are. Don't you ever check your phone? You know how much I hate waiting around."
- Kelly Jo: "Yeah, so doesn't that explain everything? Like-"
- Samia: "Like how you never shut up, would it explain that?!"
- "So, as a member of the school council, I will do everything I can to make sure your voices are heard, whether it's about the canteen menus, or the girls' toilets, the changing rooms. Making the school a more accessible place to be, or any other issues that you feel strongly about. And [inaudible] have their say in the decisions that affect every part of our lives while we're pupils here at Waterloo Road. This is your school, and you should have a right to say how it's run."
- "Come on, Kells. Dean Weever? I know you've had a lot going on. Especially with your ADHD stuff and that, but...just, at least get some standards."
- "I know today is a big day for a lot of you, but it has been for me too. Cos today I had my eyes opened. Today I learnt that the boys in this school think that it's OK to be scoring their female classmates, and even the teachers, on some Hot or Not list. And it's just a bit of banter? Well, it isn't. We tried to ask for help, more than once. We were just shoved to the side, like we were nothing! We're sick of being validated by just a number! We wanna be heard, Miss! We want this to stop right now!"
- Samia: "Well, texts can be misunderstood, and who doesn't like getting a letter? They're so romantic! If someone wrote me one, I'd be like 'take me now'."
- Kai: "Really? Bring me my quill!"
- Danny: "I've got nothing, Sam."
- Samia: "It's not true. You've got me."
- "We exist in a world of performative acts. Judgement based on prejudice, never looking at the facts. I'm third gen of immigrants. This country is my home. And I get angry and confused when I'm go back home. Justice is more than a flag, social banners, selfies of us marching, reaping the praise and glamour. It's about being active. Sitting back ain't enough. And as human beings, all we want is to be seen and loved."
- "I saw you, Danny. You and Vinny, right after the robbery. What were you doing with him?"
- "You really think that? Are you really that stupid? Cos it turns're the best thing that's ever happened to me."
- "Danny, Danny, Danny. When're you just gonna shut up about him?"
- Samia: "Well, look, I remember when I was at primary school...this new girl started, and they sat her right next to me, just cos she were Indian. It's like they just expected us to be besties."
- Kelly Jo: "Really?"
- Samia: "Yeah."
- Kelly Jo: "What the heck?"
- Samia: "Well, to be fair though, she was alright. I still see her at the mandir."
- Kelly Jo: "I didn't know you still went to the temple?"
- Samia: "Yeah, I always go with Wali, and with my nani ji sometimes."
- "To Libby? Don't even get me started on her. That girl is trouble. I failed the exam because of her."
- "There's only one thing that would stop Kai from doing something outrageous - and I'm looking at him."
- "Well, for me, it's like, travel. I kinda feel like I sort of owe it to Danny to travel and see as many places as I can before I die, cos, well, Danny never saw past the chippy on Bolton Road, bless him."
- "I was here for your 8th, so I couldn't exactly miss your 18th, could I?"
- "Do you have to?" (final line)