Ros McCain was always considered to be an able and trustworthy student and was counted on by staff to help out with school projects or give advice to younger pupils in trouble. Ros's mature attitude and carefree spirit soon attracted the attentions of Philip Ryan and they formed a relationship, but this came under jeopardy when Ros found herself developing a crush on French teacher, Jo Lipsett, who was giving her tutoring for the Advanced Preparation for University scheme (APU).
After kissing Jo, Ros is immediately taken aback by her actions and realises that this could affect her academic future. She comes clean to Philip and works hard to earn a place at a top university.
Although her and Philip never regain their relationship back as Ros is now into women (much to Philip's disappointment) they still after a while manage to form a friendship. Philip also invited Ros to Rachel and Adam Fleet's wedding as his plus one.
- "Lindsay! Linds!" (first line)
- "Why don't you just sit down and shut up?! Some of us are trying to learn here!"
- Philip: "And I spent every night with you for two weeks and I didn't even try and kiss you."
- Ros: "I gave you enough chances."
- Philip: "When?"
- Ros: "Like...Tuesday, when we were making toast in the kitchen?"
- Philip: "See, I...I thought there was something there, but...I just never know when's the right time."
- Ros: "Now?"
- Philip: "What?"
- Ros: "Now's the right time."
- "Well, yeah, but how many people can you do that with? Just talk for hours? You've been so good to me." (before kissing Jo)
- Ros: "You've made me look like a stupid little girl. After everything we've been though together? I love you. And I know you love me too!"
- Jo: "For god's sake, Ros."
- Ros: "What? I don't care. I love you. I don't care who hears it!"
- "You hate me, don't you? I thought you felt the same. I was so angry and I just wanted to get back and you, and everything got out of hand. My parents coming into school, and everyone laughing at me. I don't want you to go. The way you looked at me. The way you made me feel. I thought that's...I thought that's how people were when they're in love. And now I've ruined everything! I'm so stupid. My exams, Philip, my whole life, all ruined!"
- "Cheers!" (final line)