BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Rory Brears is a former pupil of Waterloo Road. Rory is openly gay and as a result was subjected to a number of homophobic bullying attacks during his time at the school.


Rory is running through a dance routine that is going to be performed at the school's open day with pupils when Lewis Seddon first attacks him. He later attacks Rory in the toilets.

Lewis steals some of Rory's gay men's magazines after another one of his attacks. Rory goes to Grantly Budgen about the bullying but Grantly is far from sympathetic.

Grantly finds Lewis in possession of the magazines and takes the matter to headteacher, Jack Rimmer and calls in Rory's mother. Rory's mother is outraged that nothing has been done about Lewis's bullying and joins Rory in gaining signatures on his petition to stop homophobic bullying.

The LEA inspector thinks the petition is a really good idea and backs the movement whole heartedely. Lewis sees this and headbutts Rory in full view of Kim Campbell, leaving Rory's mother threatening to withdraw Rory from school. This is quickly averted as Lewis Seddon is excluded.
