BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Detective Inspector Ralph Mellor was a policeman and former Chair of Governors of Waterloo Road, and the father of head girl Flick Mellor. He is the main antagonist of the fourth series.

Ralph had a huge prejudice against the Kelly family, and was furious when Flick began seeing eldest son Marley. He was frustrated about his daughter's relationship with Marley Kelly and so beat him with a golf club. When the Waterloo Road students took drug tests, Flick returned a positive result but Marley negative; Ralph proceeded to secretly switch the results in an attempt to get Marley expelled. When Flick confessed to taking drugs and the truth about Ralph's machinations came out, headteacher Rachel Mason made clear to him he would have to resign as Chair of Governors.

Ralph offered Marley £5,000 to dump Flick and stay away from her for good. At first Marley angrily refused the offer but, after his family were made homeless, he decided to take the money in order to arrange some temporary accommodation, and promptly dumped a devastated Flick. When she eventually found out about the deal, Flick disowned both her boyfriend and father.

When the Kelly family were back on their feet, Marley decided to raise the money to return to Ralph and win Flick back. Slowly but surely, he raised the entire £5k, but Ralph refused to take it. He was infuriated when Marley threw it at him, although it didn't stop him scrabbling around for the notes.

Ralph snapped and attacked Marley with a golf club in front of a horrified Flick. The injuries he sustained required hospital treatment. Ralph was devastated when Flick disowned him for good.

Ralph blamed Waterloo Road and its headteacher Rachel Mason for all his problems, as they allowed the Kellys into the school in the first place. After getting drunk he stole a digger and used it to attack the school building, reducing the front to a complete wreck. He only stopped after Rachel stood in front of the digger, giving Eddie Lawson the chance to climb up to the cab, punch him and grab the keys. Ralph was arrested; his fate after that was left unclarified.

Behind the scenes

Actor Malcolm Scates's wife, Susan Cookson, later appeared in Series 6 as Maria Lucas. Scates died from a brain tumour on 6 September 2016, aged 58.


  • "No, that's right. But as chair I thought I should welcome you back." (first line)

  • Rachel: "Yeah. I appreciate that. And I appreciate the second chance I've been given."
  • Ralph: "Last chance. And you wouldn'ta got that if it'd been up to me."

  • "I am the police! And he assaulted me first!"

  • PC Tasker: "Ralph Mellor, I'm arresting you on suspicion of assault. You do not have to say anything-"
  • Ralph: "Alright, alright, I'm arrested."

  • "Listen, you smug cow. Let's see how you feel when I'm finished with your school. Or do I mean finished your school?"

  • "You're finished, Mason." (final line)