Rachel Fleet (née Mason, born Amanda Fenshaw) was the headteacher of Waterloo Road after Brian Vaisey and Jack Rimmer, and the first female head. She first appeared in the 7th episode of Series 3 and left at the end Series 5.
Rachel was the longest serving Headteacher, appearing in 52 episodes. Her sister Melissa Ryan worked as head of the adult educational course at the school in Series 4. Rachel had brief flings with both Eddie Lawson and Chris Mead, and married Head Chef and Healthy Schools Co-ordinator Adam Fleet, who she knew from university.
Eva Pope was missed by many of the cast.
Rachel was one of the most caring and compassionate teachers at Waterloo Road and a very popular headteacher. She believed in helping the children at school with any problem they may be facing. She refused to exclude any child as Rachel believes any child can be helped. Although warm and caring, Rachel was no pushover and didn't shy away from disciplining children who step out of line. She prefered to use her powers of persuasion to win people round. Rachel was a motherly figure to the children and cares for each one of them regardless of their background or academic abilities.
Series 3[]
Episode 7[]
Rachel becomes headteacher of Waterloo Road following the resignation of Jack Rimmer. Initially appointed by the LEA as an Associate Headteacher, Rachel soon decides to remain at the school permanently, in the role as Headteacher. One of her first acts in office is to defuse an ongoing situation between two recently split couples: Donte and Chlo Charles, and Brett Aspinall and Mika Grainger. (Chlo had slept with Brett, the boyfriend of her sister Mika, and had since run away.) Mika manages to steal a bottle of vodka and ends up vomiting on Rachel.
Episode 10[]
She has a dark past, that is partially revealed at the end of Series 3 Episode 10 (through a newspaper clipping about a vice crackdown), that she is desperate to keep a secret from the students and staff. It's a period of her life she's so ashamed of, she'd rather change her identity than carry on living with the same name. It forms part of the cliffhanger ending when Series 3 enters its Christmas break.
Episode 12[]
Property developer Stuart Hordley and his secretary Tess Doyle show up, and Stuart starts to reveal Rachel's dark past with a document showing that she changed her name from Amanda Fenshaw to Rachel Mason and used to live in Hertfordshire, and blackmails her into getting his rejected bid for the contract to build the new training school reinstated, which she does.
Episode 13[]
Stuart takes Rachel out for dinner during the lunch break in the LEA meeting to pile on the pressure regarding his bid for the training centre. Stuart's company wins the bid, after Rachel quoted a phrase ("a bit too uppity") that Councillor Philby used while he was on the phone to somebody from a rival company, Ladmore Construction. Philby has no choice but to back Hordley as Rachel had threatened to resign if Hordley was not chosen.
Episode 14[]
Stuart takes Rachel out for dinner at the end of the day to explain why he blackmailed her, revealing that Tess Doyle has all the evidence that Stuart had been using. Stuart apologises for blackmailing Rachel and says that he will give her all the evidence that Tess has about her past as Amanda Fenshaw and the ones of her as Rachel Mason.
Episode 15[]
Stuart gives Rachel the evidence that Tess had, but before she can hide it, Eddie walks in, and he spots where she has put the envelope. Later Eddie phones a taxi firm after Mika and Brett vandalised his car, and while he is waiting for the taxi, his curiosity gets the better of him. He looks in the top drawer of Rachel's desk. Spotting the envelope he looks inside and finds that Rachel (as Amanda Fenshaw) used to work as a prostitute. He is shocked and unhappy as he trusted Rachel very much and was pleased with the way she was turning the school around.
Episode 16[]
Eddie confronts Rachel about her past. She tells him that she got involved in prostitution when she was 17 and that things, at the time, were bad at home. She also says that it took two years for her to get out of the habit - "The only route out was to get myself an education and that is why I'm here." She was offered £1000 a week when she was a prostitute. Rachel also reveals that Stuart Hordley's secretary, Tess Doyle, knew her before she went into teaching. Eddie thinks that Rachel was in on the plan to get Hordley the training centre, he is also concerned that Rachel has slept with Hordley. Rachel denies this and after pressure from Eddie (who has cottoned onto the fact that Rachel may have been blackmailed) confesses that Stuart was blackmailing her. Eddie wants to go to the police, but Rachel says no, as the truth would come out, and if it does she will resign. Eddie talks about how it seems to him that her career is more important than the students and he says the truth will come out anyway. Rachel says that they have nothing on Hordley and that it would be her word against his. Rachel then tells Eddie, "I had sex with men for money 20 years ago because I had nothing else", then adding, "You can't see past that". Eddie walks off. Later Eddie hands Rachel his resignation. At the end of the episode a nervous Rachel is sat behind her desk.
Episode 17[]
Rachel has to deal with Mika and Brett and their eco-friends. She also has to convince deputy head Eddie Lawson to stay at Waterloo Road, which he does. She is also under pressure from Stuart Hordley as the building work has been delayed and can be seen trying to keep calm whilst informing him what is happening with the building work. Near the end of the episode Rachel and Eddie are having a drink, Eddie will only agree to stay if Rachel phones the council, which she pretends to do after Eddie shows her a bounced cheque from Stuart Hordley. Once Rachel has 'phoned' the council (she really phoned a takeaway place) Eddie says they will face Hordley together, believing that Rachel has spoken to the council.
Episode 18[]
Rachel fights the deportation of pupil Sameen. Eddie says that he will stay at Waterloo Road and help Rachel get rid of Stuart Hordley once and for all, or else Hordley would always be influencing and following her. Rachel is threatened by Stuart after Eddie goes to see him and warns him to stay away from Rachel. Meanwhile Rachel decides to talk to Sameen herself. After a heartfelt talk from Rachel, Sameen decides to go and be with her family and go back to Iran. Eddie persuades Rachel to lure Hordley to the school, after they find evidence of him being involved in illegal child labour. When Hordley arrives, Rachel records the ensuing blackmail conversation on her mobile phone. Eddie then walks in and they confront Hordley with everything they have. Hordley then taunts Rachel about her past and taunts Eddie about his relationship with her. Eddie loses it and punches him. At the end of the episode Rachel and Eddie watch Stuart drive away. Eddie said he thinks they have seen the last of him, but Rachel is not convinced.
Episode 19[]
Rachel meets Claude, a French businessman who is an acquaintance of Steph Haydock, and who refused to put money into the Language Labs. After Steph attempted to turn on the charm and Claude complained to Rachel, Rachel removed Steph from her position as Finance Director. Rachel and Eddie later encountered Steph at the pub, where Rachel told Steph that she was being removed from her post.
Episode 20[]
Eddie prevents the staff from finding newspaper clippings about Rachel that have been posted in all their pigeon holes, and then asks Rachel out, to which she says yes. Stuart turns up at a Spelling Bee competition and publicly reveals Rachel's secret past to all of Waterloo Road, the visiting school and the staff. Afterwards, Eddie goes to find Rachel and we see how much he cares for her when he asks her to stay. However, she says she can't, as it could damage the school. Rachel then bumps into Stuart and a fight ensues, resulting Rachel kicking Stuart in the groin and him falling down the stairs. She goes to check on him but her day goes from bad to worse. Earlier, Stuart had chucked a still-lit cigarette into a bin. As Candice is walking through the hallway near the school canteen, she trips over a gas pipe near the bin and an explosion rips through part of the school. Following the explosion, Rachel is seen to help an asthmatic (from visiting school Forest Mount) out of the school, and then Eddie comes to find her to make sure she is OK. She goes back into the school building (after sending a reluctant Eddie to the Assembly Point) to check if anyone is still trapped inside after the fire, only to find Hordley unconscious on the floor. During an attempt to save him, part of the ceiling collapses on them, leaving them both trapped. The series ends on a cliffhanger as to whether Rachel has survived or not.
Series 4[]
Episode 1[]
Rachel returns to Waterloo Road and faces a lot more to deal with because of the arrival of the Kelly 'Family From Hell'. On the first day she helps to settle the Kellys in, holds interviews for next school roles and ensures the new initiatives are working, with the help of Eddie. After the school is evacuated following claims of a gun, Rachel goes back into the school (much to Eddie's dismay) and manages to defuse the situation. That evening, Eddie confesses his feelings for her but she rejects him due to the scar she received during the fire. Also arriving is her nephew, Philip Ryan, and her sister, Melissa Ryan, who is quick to start a relationship with Eddie. It becomes increasingly obvious that Rachel is upset about their relationship - particularly when they get engaged.
Episode 2[]
It is revealed to Eddie and the rest of the staff that Rachel and Melissa are sisters after Philip is bullied by fellow students Paul and Bolton, and Philip begs Matt not to tell Rachel Mason as she is his aunt. Initially, Eddie is angry after making the discovery, however he later comes to terms with it and tries to persuade Rachel to join him and the rest of the staff for a drink, however Rachel refuses. A few scenes later Rachel is seen pulling her top down slightly and glancing in the mirror at her scar. Later, she drives to the pub where the staff are having drinks and sees Eddie and Melissa together.
Episode 3[]
Rachel has to deal with a new supply teacher when he makes allegations of racism against Davina. When it becomes apparent that Maaka is teaching the kids nothing and letting them walk around freely during lessons, Rachel intervenes and allows Davina to take over the class. Rachel also has to deal with Earl Kelly when he and Maxine Barlow are caught in the toilets during school hours.
Episode 4[]
Rachel is shown offering support to Rose Kelly by offering her a job in the school canteen. Rachel brought Rose into school for a catch up after she became concerned when Marley had pulled out of the running for head boy. After a somewhat fiery first confrontation, Rose cools off and goes back to see Rachel who then offers her a job. Rachel is later seen asking Marley about how his speech went before going off to help her sister with the dating event she organised.
Episode 5[]
Rachel helps with the drug awareness day that was organised, however, to her anger, she finds Ralph Mellor there to help out. Things take a turn for the worse when Ralph realises that Flick tested positive for drugs, and he swaps her test results with Marley's. Ralph then confronts Rachel about this and recommends that Marley be expelled. Rachel refuses to do this, however she does go off to find Marley to have a serious chat with him about it. Marley is angry and walks out of school with no plans to return. When Rachel then goes to talk to Rose about the events, she too is angry and plans on walking, however Rachel persuades her to stay. Later on, when it is revealed by Flick that Marley is innocent, Rachel goes round to the Kellys' house to apologise to them.
Episode 6[]
Rachel is seen stopping a fight between Bolton and another boxer that took place outside of school - Rachel is furious with all the children who attended the fight.
Episode 7[]
After Eddie proposes to Melissa and she agrees, Rachel decides to hold drinks in the staff room after school. When she leaves to go home, she spots her nephew Philip sitting on a wall in the car park. She notices that he seems upset and goes over to talk to him, after talking to Rachel for a while Philip feels he can confide in her, and informs Rachel that Melissa is still married to his dad, and it is evident that Rachel is very surprised.
Episode 8[]
There is more trauma for Rachel and the rest of the school when Earl Kelly shoots dead his girlfriend Maxine Barlow in Episode 8. Rachel comes to the scene of the murder (Steph Haydock's house) and sees Maxine's body being carried away in a body bag whilst Steph is distraught, devastated and grieving over Maxine's death. Earl, who had run off after the shooting, doesn't get far as he is swiftly cornered by the police and gives himself up as a murderer.
Episode 9[]
Rachel feels that she had no option but to resign from the school as she feels Maxine would still be alive if she had taken the opportunity to expel Earl. Despite numerous attempts from Eddie to dissuade her, she is adamant about leaving. She also learns from Paul Langley that it was Earl whose gun was found in the school, and that Earl's 11-year-old brother Denzil had taken possession of it under intimidation from Earl in a bid to get away with possessing the gun. Further talks with Eddie show her commitment to the Kellys and the school as a whole, as she begins to help Bolton and Paul confess. After a heart-to-heart with Bolton, Rachel decides to stay.
Episode 10[]
Rachel discovers from Philip that Melissa is still married to two men and that she had, in fact, lied about her divorce. As Melissa and Eddie are about to leave she confronts them both, forcing Melissa to tell the truth to both herself and Eddie. An upset Melissa then reveals that Eddie was in love with Rachel and that she knew Rachel secretly harboured feelings for him. Melissa tries to force Eddie to choose between them but Rachel promptly storms out of the school, shocked. Just as she is leaving she is stopped by a voice - Eddie.
Episode 11[]
It is a new term at the school, with relations between Rachel and Eddie strained, as it transpires that Melissa and Eddie have split up and Eddie is staying at Waterloo Road. It also becomes apparent that Philip is now staying with Rachel. She is very excited by the return of Kim Campbell, and the two get along immediately due to their similar drive and passion. At the end of the episode Rachel and Eddie are seen discussing Philip, where Eddie reveals that he never loved Melissa - he just didn't want to be alone.
Episode 12[]
Rachel and Eddie try to settle Philip's behaviour as they both feel responsible for him after Melissa's departure. Rachel has not yet denied or confirmed Melissa's accusation that she had feelings for Eddie. Eddie decides the three of them should have dinner together to show Philip their support, and Rachel agrees but suggests bowling as Philip likes bowling. At the bowling alley, Philip cancels, but Rachel and Eddie decide to stay. Rachel teases Eddie about his lack of skills in bowling. After some brief but major flirtation, the pair share their first kiss.
Episode 14[]
Eddie and Rachel go out on another date. Also, Rachel agrees to let Philip have a birthday party round at her house, feeling that he needs something to cheer him up. Rachel is seen preparing food for the party in the kitchen before being joined by Eddie and Philip. Rachel seems worried and tells Philip to call her if anything goes wrong, not to drink any alcohol etc. Rachel and Eddie then leave the house to go on their date - Rachel continues to worry when she sees all the people coming to the party and instructs Bolton to try to keep things in order. At the end of the party, Eddie and Rachel return and are surprised to see the house is clean. Rachel goes upstairs to check on Philip and is later joined by Eddie and it's implied the two of them have sex.
Episode 16[]
Rachel has to deal with a school trip gone wrong when all of her students end up inside the house of supply teacher Jem Allen. She is initially very angry with Philip, as he was supposed to be in detention, however she cools off and is pleased to hear that he helped out Grantly when he jumped in the pool to save an unconscious Bolton, however, she later feels very embarrassed when Flick Mellor comes over asking why Philip left a bra and pair of knickers in her bag. When Flick leaves, Rachel is disgusted when she realises the underwear is hers. She is later seen visiting Grantly in intensive care.
Episode 17[]
Rachel locks horns with Steph when she becomes annoyed with her constantly pestering pupil Tasha Lefton. Steph is annoyed and informs Rachel that Philip is still pursuing Flick Mellor, before storming out of Rachel's office. Rachel then goes to find Philip and questions him about Flick, however he denies that he is still pestering her and reveals that it was Flick who wanted to sleep with him on the night of his party. Rachel is later seen apologising to Steph when it comes to light that Tasha is diabetic had been deliberately not taking her insulin in order to make herself thin.
Episode 19[]
Rachel supports Kim Campbell when she returns to work following her ordeal with Grace, however when Kim attacks Andrew Treneman, Rachel realises allowing her to come back so soon might not have been the best thing. Rachel is confused when the school is struck down by a mystery illness. Later on, when Philip says he too isn't feeling very well Rachel goes over to chat to him, and after a while Philip confides in Rachel that he put laxative in the brownies that she helped him to make for the school fundraising day. Rachel is furious and is seen out in the corridor with Philip asking him why he did it. Rachel confides in Eddie about Philip's actions and Eddie comforts her when she is upset because she blames herself for Philip's behaviour.
Episode 20[]
She returns from a school choir competition and risks her own life to save Waterloo Road to prevent mad Ralph Mellor destroying the school. Rachel then tells Eddie that she cannot be a headteacher, Melissa's sister, Philip's aunt, the baby's step-mum and auntie, and his girlfriend. Even though she loves Eddie and envied her sister's engagement to him, she terminates the relationship breaking both their hearts. Eddie said that he can't continue to work with her because of this and Rachel agrees. Eddie leaves at the conclusion of the series.
Series 5[]
Episode 1[]
Rachel starts the new term on a high, with the arrival of new Deputy Headteacher Christopher Mead. However, all is thrown into chaos when new Executive Head Max Tyler arrives with a very different approach to her own. Branding Rachel incapable of running the school alone, he informs her that he intends to base himself permanently at Waterloo Road, and proceeds to march her out of her own office, leaving Rachel fuming. The ensuing episodes depict Rachel and Max in an elaborate power struggle, with Rachel disagreeing with almost all the methods and means that Max wants to achieve his goals by. Max prefers an old-fashioned, autocratic and disciplinary approach whereas Rachel believes that a pastoral approach is far more suited to the needs of Waterloo Road's pupils. Rachel confides in Kim, however soon spots her kissing Max, leaving her horrified and no longer confident to talk to her.
Episode 2[]
Rachel continues to support Lindsay and Emily James and offers to take them to their dad's funeral. While Emily is standing by her dad's grave, Lindsay goes over to stand with Rachel next to her car. Rachel tries to talk to Lindsay and asks her if her dad abused her like he abused her mum. When they return to school, Rachel is shocked to find Denzil Kelly scrubbing the school steps. Rachel asks him what he's doing and he tells her Max made him do it. Rachel is angry and tensions between her and Max increase.
Episode 6[]
In episode 6, after much persuasion, Lindsay confides in Rachel about how her father had been sexually abusing her. Rachel is shocked to hear this, and carries on supporting Lindsay and Emily.
Episode 9[]
Lindsay confesses to Rachel that it was she who murdered her father, and Rachel persuades her to tell the court. This ends in Lindsay being arrested, however in the following episode, she gets let out on bail, and we see Rachel comforting Lindsay's mother Marion, offering her support.
Episode 10[]
Rachel and Max have a showdown in front of the governors, blaming each other for the failure of the merger. Tired of the turf war with him, she hands in her resignation. However when Rachel learns that Max abused Philip, Max's ex-wife Jennifer Headley of the LEA persuades her to stay and has Max suspended indefinitely from Waterloo Road. From that point, Rachel decides to stay. In the pub later that evening with all staff members present apart from Kim Campbell, Max shows up and begins an argument with Chris, referring to Rachel's past life working as a prostitute. When he asks her how much she charges a member of staff, Chris punches him in the face. After Max leaves, Rachel and Chris begin to flirt with each other and Chris admits that he fancies her. It is clear that Rachel is shocked and she goes on to tell Chris that she doesn't think having sex will be a good idea. However, Rachel obviously dumps her scruples because she and Chris are then spotted leaving the pub together in the back of a taxi. Once he has told the driver their destination, Chris shares a very passionate kiss with her.
Episode 11[]
In the next episode, she is seen hinting that her night with Chris was just a one-off. He seems disappointed but continues to work well with her. She then finds out that one of her pupils, Bianka Vale, has been abducted by her father Gary, and follows them to a caravan, putting her in a life-threatening situation when Gary begins to fill the caravan with gas and traps them inside it. Luckily, she manages to get herself and Bianka to safety, yet is left shell-shocked when the caravan explodes with Gary inside it. Later on, Chris and Kim find out what happened and are relieved to find out that Rachel and Bianka are safe. When Rachel returns to the school, it is obvious that she is in shock and she bursts into tears in her office. At the end of the day, Chris and Kim come to find her and it becomes obvious that Chris was really worried about her as he tells her how important she is to the school and how she should never take risks like that again.
Episode 12[]
Rachel returns to the classroom. After the Bianka Vale incident, Rachel insists they put the kids' emotional health at the top of the agenda and she follows this up by getting Kim to train Year 12s so they can assist Year 8s and listen to their problems. Meanwhile, Ruby Fry takes the Year 10s on a trip to a farm, owned by pupil Craig's big brother Mark. The trip is disastrous. While the class is away, Rachel takes Ruby Fry's class. Grantly has made a bet with Rachel that she can't make it through the day, doing both teaching and being the head. He tries to cause all sorts of problems for her, including trying to spook her before she takes Ruby's class about how things have changed since she has been in the classroom, saying it's more about crowd control now. Rachel gets through the teaching fine. However, she has to stop teaching to sort out the trip. During the trip, some of the pupils manage to cause all sorts of trouble. Josh Stevenson get sanitiser sprayed in his face, Lauren and Sambuca let the pigs out and smuggle one back to school, plus Amy, Siobhan, Finn, Josh and Craig were drinking alcohol. Also, the mentoring scheme has gone badly. Paul Langley and Bolton Smilie make a complaints box and get Denzil Kelly to collect complaints mainly about the teachers. At the end of the day, Rachel wins the bet and collects her money from Grantly.
Episode 13[]
Rachel gets a welcome blast from the past in the form of old friend Adam Fleet, who assumes Rachel is still known as Amanda Fenshaw. After a brief catch up, Rachel offers Adam the job of Head Chef which he accepts, pleasing them both.
Episode 14[]
Finn Sharkey locks both Adam and Rachel in the catering storeroom. They have a heart-to-heart conversation before being let out by Kim Campbell.
Episode 15[]
In the next episode Rachel and Adam are seen to be close friends, but when Rachel finds out that Adam has been going to gigs with sixth-formers, she isn't happy. Later when she confronts him about it, Adam thinks he has done nothing wrong, but it's only when Danielle Harker and Aleesha Dillon moan to him about how boring Rachel is, that he realises he has overstepped the mark. But he does agree with them about one thing, the fact that Rachel doesn't have fun anymore - something he intends to change. After school that day, Adam decides to plan a surprise for Rachel, turning the sixth-form common room into a cinema for a romantic date, ending with Rachel and Adam sharing a kiss.
Episode 17[]
It's crunch time for Rachel and Adam when they clash over his plan to provide healthy takeaway food for the pupils. Rachel is initially reluctant, but Adam's enthusiasm convinces her. When Adam recruits Ruby to help him with the scheme, however, problems soon ignite because when left unsupervised, Ruby lets a fire start in the kitchen and Adam is forced to cover for her to save her job. This prompts Rachel to chastise Adam believing that he has behaved irresponsibly, and they have a furious bust-up. Later, a calmer Rachel apologises and opens up to Adam, admitting she's scared to love again. In this rare moment of honesty, Adam reveals he wants to spend the rest of this life with her - and proposes, to which she accepts, and they kiss.
Episode 18[]
Rachel and Adam announce their engagement to the staff and go public with their relationship. This day they seem very close and in love. At the end of the show, Rachel and Adam are seen dining in a restaurant to celebrate their engagement. It now seems they are more in love than ever.
Episodes 19-20[]
Rachel Mason departs Waterloo Road after the double-episode series finale (Episodes 19 and 20) after getting married to Adam and agreeing to travel the world with him. During Episode 20, Rachel is the first person to be concerned about Finn Sharkey and Amy Porter's strange behaviour after the couple had drawn peculiar pictures on their test papers in Grantly Budgen's lesson. Their belongings, including their mobile phones, school ties, school books and pens, are found in a bin by Karla Bentham after the couple had disappeared from the school site. It is later revealed that Amy and Finn had made a suicide pact to die together at Finn's favourite beach due to the fact that Finn's parents had revealed to him that they are moving to Los Angeles and it would ruin their relationship. The suicide is later prevented by Christopher Mead who found them in time. Whilst at the dance, Rachel shows her commitment to new husband Adam and says that she will quit her role as headteacher as she doesn't want it to come between them. They share a tender kiss, interrupted by Dizzee Rascal, and then the term is out ready for new adventures. She lines up Karen Fisher to replace her.
- Eva Pope was considered one of the most popular cast members in the run. Many of the cast from Series 5 commented to be upset she was leaving.
- Rachel was the longest serving headteacher at Waterloo Road appearing in 52 episodes, 4 more than the second longest serving head Michael Byrne. Her total run on the show spans across over half of Series 3 and the entire run of Series 4 and 5.
- She is the first headteacher to not have any children.
- "Hi!" (first line)
- "Ria has spoken really highly of you. I'm glad to have you as my deputy."
- Rachel: "Oh good morning!"
- Eddie: "Can I have a word?"
- Rachel: "You can go mad and have several, if you like. Come on!"
- "What that man just said was true. I was a prostitute. It was a long time ago...it was the worst time of my life. I...I feel very ashamed about it. And, um...I have kept it a secret...for all this time. If I thought for one second that my, um...that my past would any way damage this school, then I would leave. But that's not for me to decide."
- "Stuart? Stuart! Ugh...ever...stop being a pain in the arse?" (on finding him unconscious in the burning school)
- "What's wrong with this picture?"
- "There's a gun in the school."
- Eddie: "When are you going to get it into your head that you can't save everybody?"
- Rachel: "I can try." (After Rachel gets Denzil out of the school with Earl's gun)
- "STEPH!!!"
- "Please don't tell me those are mine." (referring to the used underwear Philip gifted to Flick.)
- "Philip has put laxative in the chocolate bloody brownies!"
- Jasmine: "And you don't think that's what the Army will be doing?"
- Rachel: "Why don't you go and have a look for yourself? If you see any evidence of a recruitment drive or a stray kid running amok with an AK-47, come and let me know."
- Kim: "Why's he so full of the joys?"
- Rachel: "He's got Kerplunk in the car."
- "Lindsay, can I just have a quick word please?"
- "I'll tell you what I'm embarrassed about, Max. I'm embarrassed that it's taken me this long to realise what you are. You're a bully. A pathetic, old-fashioned bully."
- "Teaching is like riding a bike, once you know how, you never forget."
- "I'm warning you Ruby, go home."
- "I'll give my all to this school, no matter how long I stay."
- "I know, but I need you to be on the ball, Ruby."
- Rachel: "I am sorry that um...that you...feel you come second to this place."
- Adam: "Yeah, I'm a big boy, I can live with it."
- Rachel: "Mmm. Yeah, but is it a good start to a marriage? Hmm? I don't...at the moment...you do have to share me with my job."
- Adam: "I mean, that's you, that's who you are, that's not gonna change."
- Rachel: "You might be surprised."
- Adam: "Look, I'm sure there was something in our vows about not lying, it's only been a couple of hours."
- Rachel: "I've just really been thinking about what you said. And you were right. I don't want you to have to share me with anything else at all. I want to be just the two of us. So...I'm gonna ditch the third party."
- Adam: "What?"
- Rachel: "This place. It's been everything to me, and...I guess I'd convinced myself that it couldn't function without me, but, you know, I've been proved wrong today. And now I've got you."
- Adam: "You're gonna leave?"
- Rachel: "I am."
- Adam: "You're joking - what you gonna do?"
- Rachel: "What are we gonna do, you mean! I don't know, I thought, you know...let's just go on our honeymoon, and...not come back."
- Adam: "For how long?"
- Rachel: "How long? A year? You fancy that?" (final line)
- Adam: "Why, Mrs Fleet, I'd follow you to the very ends of the earth."