BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Peter "Pete" Weever is the father of Schumacher and Portia Weever. He is abusive towards Schuey.

He first appears in Series 13 Episode 5 after being called into school following an altercation between Schuey and Amy Spratt. He is gruff and uncaring, wanting to get the meeting over with as fast as possible. Later in the episode, he bursts into Schuey's bedroom and messes it up, knocking Schuey's things around the place.

He is again called into school in Series 13 Episode 7 for a meeting with headteacher Kim Campbell about Schuey being sent to the Behavioural Unit (BU) for locking Marc Todd in a cupboard in the previous episode. Pete is again uncaring and wanting to get out of there as fast as possible, telling Kim "as long as I don't have to have him at home, you can put him wherever", and walking out after Kim tries to suggest showing Pete the BU.

In Series 13 Episode 8, Kim goes to Pete, Schuey and Portia's house to try to speak to Pete and Schuey about Schuey and Tonya's thievery, and Tonya's mother Nicky shows up as well to try to confront Schuey, and the two women find Schuey locked in the boot of Pete's car, seemingly having been there all night. Nicky and Kim take Schuey into school and Kim says that the school will make sure he is safe from Pete, but Pete shows up angry. Donte tries to usher Pete out of the school gates, but Pete has a go at him about Tonya and they get into a scuffle, during which Pete tries to punch Donte only to be punched to the floor himself by Donte. Pete then gets in his car and drives it round the school gates speeding at Donte, but Nicky runs and pushes Donte out of the way and gets hit herself. Pete then gets out of his car in shock, and Mike wrestles him to the ground and arrests him on suspicion of attempted murder. Pete is not seen again, and Portia and Schuey are taken into care.
