BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Former army Captain Nikki Boston joined the school as an English and occasional PE teacher in Series 7. At first her character was disliked by some because of her unique way of teaching. Throughout her career at Waterloo Road, she strived to bring out the potential in pupils like Kacey Barry. She is powerful and a force to be reckoned with.

Since spending more time at Waterloo Road, Nikki became very close with Tom Clarkson and his son Josh. She helped them deal with Josh's schizophrenia and was a fantastic shoulder for Tom to cry on. She later moved to Berlin with Vix Spark to start all over again away from Hector.


Nikki Boston was an extremely serious and practical woman. She had idealistic and almost over-practical ideas about how a class should be run. She was also very independent and headstrong. She was completely selfless and fearless, willing to put her own reputation and safety behind everybody else's.

Nikki and Simon brawled frequently during their first string of encounters, mostly due to their completely different teaching methods and views about life. Whilst Simon was excessively enthusiastic and somewhat pompous, Nikki was always down-to-earth and fiercely sensible. On one occasion, Nikki described Simon as someone who'd always been 'A smug know-it-all'. She was emotionally intelligent and knew from bitter personal experience the right way to look at things, particularly when it came to anger management. She demonstrates this solely with Kacey Barry.

Her past catches up with her at last when her estranged daughter, Eve, appears and Nikki is torn between her life and her heart: she loves her daughter but cannot bring herself to forget about the fact that she wanted an abortion. However, like the strong, independent woman she was, she pulled through.

Nikki was a lesbian, and suffered cripplingly because of other people's view of this. She was mocked by Simon because of it, and also by the kids (but her charisma towards the kids enabled her to defuse that situation). However, Christine Mulgrew was one of the few people to sympathise with her and to act normally as opposed to antagonistically about her situation. However, she became distressed when she had a brief affair with Hector Reid. Nikki avoided and snarled at Hector after he practically ruined her relationship with Vix Spark.

Nikki also acted ferociously towards Gabriella Wark when the latter caused Kacey Barry to fall off the climbing wall. She was the first person to identify Gabriella for what her dark side was: a borderline sociopath. She pointed out that everybody had given her the benefit of the doubt, and that Gabriella had just retorted to them spitefully. She also reacted similarly towards Simon when he tried to suspend her.

Nikki Boston showed true dedication to her job and didn't give anything about her own welfare as opposed to that of the pupils.


Series 7

Nikki first appears as one of the candidates applying for the role of the new English teacher at the school. She fails the application and offends Tom when she gives him some advice on how to deal with Josh, who appears to be hooked on drugs. When she chases down Josh's dealer/boyfriend, Grady, Tom changes his mind and offers her the job as Head of English.

When Josh's behaviour starts to become even more erratic, Nikki urges Tom to seek professional advice. It is found that she is correct in her concerns and that Josh has schizophrenia.

Tom is unsure about how to go about tackling Josh's schizophrenia, having not yet told him what the psychiatrist said. Nikki urges Tom to be honest with Josh about his condition. 

When the school moves to Scotland, Nikki decides not to join them. She later changes her mind, and returns not as Head of English, but as Head of the PRU.

Series 8

In the second part of the series, Michael calls upon Nikki to head up the new Pupil Referral Unit (PRU), where she clashes with Scout, who is against the fact that she has been placed in the PRU. When Nikki's car goes missing, she immediately places the blame on Scout, not believing her when she denies it.

As Nikki continues to blame Scout for her missing car and handbag, she becomes increasingly frustrated that the girl will not admit to her crimes. She sets about punishing her, forcing her to clean the halls and excluding her from classwork.

Lorraine Donnegan's car also goes missing, causing her to phone the police and start an investigation. Both Scout and Barry Barry are questioned, leading Nikki to believe that there is evidence to suggest that Scout was responsible. Barry later hints to her that it was in fact him that had stolen her possessions, and Lorraine explains that the only reason Scout was questioned was under her advice.

A former Waterloo Road pupil, Bolton Smilie, visits the school. He is now in the army and Nikki believes he will provide a good role model to the students. For this reason, Lorraine requests that he gives a speech to the sixth-form students.

The rest of the staff are confused about why Lorraine has chosen Nikki to be the new deputy head without consulting Michael. At the end of the episode, Lorraine confides in Nikki about her financial problems, and that her money won't be able to keep the school open forever unless it faces some serious budget cuts. Nikki offers her support and reminds Lorraine that she is always there if she needs someone to talk to.

Nikki is suspicious of the new student Fergal, who is dealing drugs to the younger students at the school. She talks to his mother and discovers they are on the run from the rest of his town in Northern Ireland due to his history of drug dealing. It is learned that he is in danger at the school and so they rush to help him. Both Lorraine and Fergal are faced by the father of Fergal's deceased girlfriend, but the situation is soon controlled. Nikki and Lorraine discuss why Nikki was appointed as deputy head, and Lorraine explains that her plans for the school included Nikki. Lorraine tells her that she doesn't see her as being her 'lapdog' and then kisses her.

Lorraine and Nikki later break up.

Michael resigns as headteacher and Lorraine appoints Nikki to replace him. At the end of her first day as head, she quits due to the teacher's strike. When Christine Mulgrew becomes head, Nikki loses the deputy headship to Simon Lowsley (although she previously chose to resign that day).

Series 9

Nikki surprisingly doesn't replace Tom Clarkson as deputy head alongside Simon (it was decided no one would) but she is still a member of the SMT (as Head of the PRU), she does however take over from Christine as Head of English.

This term sees Nikki working with Kacey Barry to sort out Kacey's anger issues, and her depression following the death of Tom. She introduced Kacey to boxing and gave her the opportunity to attend a boxing camp in America. However, she had to try to convince Kacey's mum to let her go.

We also find out in Series 9 Episode 7 that she has an estranged daughter called Eve. We find out that Nikki was going to have an abortion but Eve's dad came on time and made a deal saying that the baby will be born and he would have to look after it. He even told her to have contact with her daughter but she said no. When Eve was old enough he told her that her mum died. When Eve finds out her mum is still alive she finds her, not realising it was Nikki's choice not to be part of her life. When she find this out she is very angry at her mum, but Kacey makes her realise Nikki isn't that bad, and Eve agrees to see her mum again.


Lorraine Donnegan

Tensions build between the two characters in mid Series 8 when Nikki's car is stolen by Barry Barry. The two characters become closer and closer as the series progresses. After Nikki shows great potential with the PRU by managing to get Scout Allen into university, a scene between Nikki and Lorraine is quickly tensed by the possibility of a kiss. Nikki breaks the ice by asking Lorraine for a drink, but before Lorraine could even answer, Nikki leaves the room, leaving behind a shocked/stunned Lorraine.

In Episode 21, we first see Lorraine driving Nikki to work, this shows how the two have become very close over the Easter break. Nikki then announces to Michael that she will be his new Deputy Head of the school. As the episode progresses, Nikki is stunned to realise that Lorraine never spoke to either Tom or Michael about her choice in deputy, making Nikki even more determined to prove herself to the teachers and students.

Lorraine then confides in Nikki that the school is losing money and she has to cut her losses. The scene becomes tense as Nikki explains that Lorraine can come and speak to her any time she needed to. Lorraine takes that into consideration before getting on with work.

The episode concludes with Nikki rushing back to the school after an incident with new student Fergal. Lorraine and Nikki share a moment in Nikki's office. Nikki explains that it wasn't just the students and staff she wanted to prove herself to. Lorraine approaches Nikki explaining she has great plans for the school and those plans include Nikki. Lorraine then kisses Nikki as the episode concludes.

They later break up but there is still hint of romance between them.

Kacey Barry

Out of all the teachers, Nikki has the best relationship with Kacey. Kacey is like a daughter to Nikki.

Eve Boston

Eve is Nikki's daughter, who she hasn't seen since her birth. Nikki was going to abort Eve, but the father stepped in, making a deal that if Nikki had the baby, he would bring it up. Nikki agreed and also made it clear she wanted no contact with the child. Eve was brought up to believe that Nikki was dead, but found out from her grandparents that this was in fact not true. Eve tracks down Nikki and reveals to her that she is her daughter. Nikki phoned Eve's father and informed him that she was at the school. When Eve refuses to leave, Nikki reveals why she never kept in contact and Eve hates her for it. Nikki is very upset about this, but reveals that when she first held Eve as a baby, she "felt nothing", rather than the love she is "supposed to feel". However, she realised that she now has to own up to her responsibilities as a mother. The three of them agree that Eve could come and visit Nikki and get to know her, rather than shut each other out.

Vix Spark

At the end of Series 9 Episode 10, Nikki meets Vix, Sue's sister, at Sue and Simon's wedding reception. There appears to be a spark between the two of them, and Vix comments 'if I knew Sue had such sexy colleagues I'd have called in at playtime'.

The relationship continues into the second part of Series 9. In Episode 11, Vix comes into the school staffroom to speak to Sue. She secretly slips a phone to Nikki and then Nikki reads a text reading 'thinking naughty thoughts about you x'. Sonya also guesses that 'a smile like that can only mean on thing, someone new on the scene', to which Nikki quietly responds with 'maybe'. When Vix drops Sue off back at Waterloo Road, she publicly declares her love for Nikki and they kiss by Nikki's car. Nikki kicks off.

After school, Sonya, Hector, the Lowsleys and Vix go to the pub. Nikki walks in, and she and Vix settle by the bar. Nikki is nervous about seeing Vix again, asking her if she is still talking to her. Vix responds with 'I don't blame you for kicking off. What I did was pretty out there'. Then Nikki answers with 'Maybe, but I think it was the kick up the backside I needed. And, there's something I forgot to say earlier. I love you too!'. They then start kissing. Hector is a bit shocked. Simon says 'this isn't the main show, more like the encore!'.

In Episode 12, Vix presents Nikki with a small box. Nikki assumes she is proposing and begins to panic, but is relieved to find out that Vix had made her a bracelet. However, as the day progresses, Nikki realises that she actually wishes it was a proposal and spends the rest of the day thinking of what could have been. After the school day, Nikki, Vix, Simon, Sue and Hector are all at the pub and Vix notices Nikki seems quite distant. When she asks what's wrong, Nikki responds with 'I wanted it to be a ring', explaining to Vix that thought she was proposing and that she thought she would be relieved, when in fact it was the total opposite. Eventually, Nikki asks Vix, in front of the others, 'will you be my civil partner?'. Vix then gives the response 'no'. Vix then adds on, after seeing Nikki's reaction, 'but I'll be your wife though'.

The couple's love blossoms, but in Episode 15, Hector, who has had a crush on Nikki since they met, decides to pursue Nikki and, whilst the two are alone, he kisses her, despite knowing of her engagement. This starts off a 'mini-affair' and the couple eventually sleep together. One of the pupils, Gabriella Wark (who stalks Hector and hates Nikki, purely due to Hector's fondness of her) finds out about the affair and tells Vix, who is teaching a jewellery class to other students at the time. Vix questions the pair, but Hector denies it. After the pupils have left, Vix questions Nikki again, saying she would have believed Hector if Nikki's facial expression didn't say otherwise. The couple end up breaking up on really bad terms.

As the series continues, Nikki repeatedly tries to get in contact with Vix. She eventually gets a letter to her through Simon (Vix's brother-in-law), but still she gets no reply. One day, she sees Vix outside the school gates and just stops and stares in relief and hope that it's to see her. However, she is merely meeting Sue for lunch, though it is clear that she still loved her.

Nikki learns in Episode 20 that Vix is moving to Berlin to start afresh. This saddens Nikki and Sue's cold-shouldered approach to her doesn't help things. Later on in the day, as part of her plan to ruin Nikki's life, Gabriella pretends that Nikki has hit her, when all Nikki had done was try to talk to her and calm her down. Vix learns of this and realises that Nikki would never do such a thing and runs to be her shoulder to cry on. Vix tells Nikki that she still loves her and if she wanted the relationship to continue, Nikki would have to leave Waterloo Road and move to Berlin with her. Nikki tells her that she cannot move away because she "lives for the job". Nikki is then cleared of the allegations against her, but realises that she loves Vix too much to let her go without trying again. Nikki then turns up at Vix's door with her bags, informing her that she has quit her job and is moving to Berlin with her. Nikki is not seen again.



  • "I can smell that from here! Stay right where you are!"

  • "Oh, look at that. Your little drug dealing secret's out in the open. RHONA! Call the police, please!"

  • Lorraine: "Hi. I, uh, had the privilege of being taught by Michael, though I'm not sure the feeling was mutual!"
  • Nikki: "Bit of a wild child, were you?" (final line of her first stint)

  • "Yeah, you too." (first line of her second stint)

  • "You're allowed to do what I tell you to do, I am the boss of you and you better get used to that, now get inside! Now!"

  • "Fine, you win, this time. But enjoy it, because...the whole time you're at this school...I own you. I mean, you could leave, but where would you go? belong to me. OK?"

  • "She can only do that through the PRU. Please, Lorraine, it's more than teaching."


  • "Barry! You are lucky to still be at school, and you're taking this exam next year - if you're still here! If you continue to behave like a thug, you'lla run outta lives, mate!"

  • Lorraine: "Some of the teachers round here are way too complacent. And you're in the post to give them a boot up the backside, alright?"
  • Nikki: "Don't you worry, I shall kick ass."

  • "It wasn't um, just the staff I wanted to prove myself to. I don't want people thinking that I'm your puppet."

  • "I have to say it. That is one hell of a physique."

  • "Don't, Lorraine. I understand and I sympathise, but, I'm...not willing to put my heart on the that you get some practice in at being a human being."

  • Christine: "This is a joke. You are no headteacher."
  • Nikki: "Except I am, aren't I? From this moment, and for a long time to come. And I'm gonna make something of this school, so I suggest you go away and think about how you plan on contributing here. Then come and tell me about it, I'll be all ears."

  • George: "I need to see the head."
  • Nikki: "You're speaking to her."
  • George: "Hmm. Been in the job long?"
  • Nikki: "Actually, it' first"
  • George: "Good god."

  • "Look, I don't know where you found him, but he is an obnoxious, sexist-"

  • Lorraine: "Look, it'll be better tomorrow."
  • Nikki: "No. No, it won't, Lorraine. I'm not ready for this."
  • Lorraine: "You can't just quit after one day."
  • Nikki: "Sometimes one day is all you need. I'm out of my depth. I'm sorry. I'm sorry it didn't work out."

  • Nikki: "I won't be a part of it, Lorraine. You haven't got the first idea about teachers, about what makes us tick. Especially not a teacher like Michael Byrne, it''s his lifeblood, and you're destroying it, his passion, his-his vision-"
  • Lorraine: "His ego, more like."
  • Nikki: "And the Lorraine Donnegan Institute of Excellence isn't about yours?"
  • Lorraine: "So you'll be wanting your P45 then?"
  • Nikki: "You just don't get it, do you? This school. We're trying to build lives, not put bums on seats!"
  • Lorraine: "Hang on a minute..."
  • Nikki: "Save it! Right, you talk about the business of education, but you just, you don't get it! And it seems there's no teaching you either."

  • "Don't worry. You could set a firework off right next to his head and he still wouldn't wake up."

  • "He's still a smug know-it-all. But, you know what, I think he really cares about the kids, so...I have decided to bury the hatchet somewhere other than his actual head."

  • Nikki: "Eve, I'm so sorry. I wanted to get an abortion. But your dad, he...found me in time, and he begged me not to, and...we made a deal."
  • Eve: "A deal?"
  • Nikki: "I said I'd give birth to you, and your dad'd bring you up...he wanted me to keep in contact with you but I...I just thought it'd be easier if I was erased."

  • "Ladies and gentlemen, NICOLA ADAMS!"

  • "I thought you Barrys stuck together? Kacey's got guts. To lose like that and then come back and face people? I couldn'ta done it."

  • Nikki: "End of term can only mean one thing."
  • Kevin: [singing] "No more WOOORK!"
  • Nikki: "No. Reading! For the holidays!"

  • Simon: "So is Hector, don't you think?"
  • Nikki: "No. I think he's a prat."

  • Nikki: "Will you be my civil partner?"
  • Vix: "No. I'll be your wife, though."

  • Nikki: "Mr Reid. You're so sexy."
  • Hector: "Really?"
  • Nikki: "No!"

  • "And what you did with Gabriella, in the water know, I don't know anyone else who coulda done that. Hector, look, you made a mistake, are one of the good guys."

  • "Vix, it just...happened. But it's...there is nothing happening, there's...there's no, no big affair going on-"

  • "Right, if I leave, it's an admission of guilt, and I didn't touch her, so I am going back to my class, and you can get Gabriella to tell you the truth!"

  • "Mr Clarkson would be so proud of you, Kacey. I know that, because I am."

  • Nikki: "I was scared of being happy, that's why I slept with Hector."
  • Vix: "You don't need to explain."
  • Nikki: "No, no, I do. You love me, and I guess I was scared of that, you see. And I didn't feel like I deserved it, do I did what I always do and I just pressed the button, I pressed the self-destruct button."
  • Vix: "But you were happy?"
  • Nikki: "Yeah!" (final line)