BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Nathan "Nate" Gurney is a former student at Waterloo Road. He is good-looking and openly gay. He arrives in Series 6 Episode 11 and falls in love with Josh Stevenson.

His father is his worst nightmare. Rude and homophobic, he hates the idea of a gay son. But that won't stop Nate. He and Josh are made to be together and he won't deny it.

Nate arrives cool and sexy. Loved by the girls and noticed by Josh, Nate has everything going for him. He soon develops feelings towards Josh and vice versa, but Josh's best friend Finn Sharkey is jealous as he feels he is losing his best friend. Nate is last seen in Episode 19 dancing with Josh. The two share a kiss and consider losing their virginity together. Nate does not reappear in Series 7.
