BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Myles Massey was a student at Waterloo Road High School and the son of Rose Massey.

In Series 12 Episode 1, Myles breaks his ankle after being tackled by fellow pupil Dwayne Jackson during a football match. Myles later stirs up trouble for Dwayne by manipulating Zayne into wanting to stay with their foster parents Joe and Mike instead of their birth mother Lisa.

In Series 12 Episode 6, Myles challenges Preston Walters to a race for the charity run. Before they begin, Myles makes a comment about Kai and Preston's relationship, to which Preston responds calling him a homophobic idiot. During the run, Myles comes across Preston's unresponsive body after his cardiac arrest, but chooses to move on and win the race. Dwayne figures out that he must have passed by Preston in order to win, and so the school begin to blame Myles for Preston almost dying.

In Series 12 Episode 7, the students continue to hate Myles, and Tonya hits him in the face with a sausage roll after he mocks Preston's bulimia. Throughout the episode, Myles becomes increasingly irate, and ends up locking himself in the recording studio of 'Radio Waterloo Road' and shouts and screams over the mic for the whole school to hear, about how the students and teacher are 'losers' and 'pathetic', and graphically describes Preston's bulimia, before Donte cuts the power to the room.

Myles's mother berates him, but he hits her and locks her in a cupboard with Danny Lewis and Samia Choudhry, before deliberately starting a fire. Danny breaks out of the cupboard and physically fights Myles, ending up knocking him out, before saving Myles's mother, Rose and Samia Choudhry from the burning building. After Danny helps Myles out, the fire causes an explosion and Danny is killed.

Myles is last seeing crying in a police cell, having been arrested following the fire.


Myles exhibits extreme arrogance, possibly bordering on narcissistic personality disorder, openly believing himself to be better than everyone and that all the other students at the school are just 'sheep'. He acts aggressively towards pretty much everyone.


  • Due to his disillusions and erratic behaviour, he is the main antagonist of Series 12.
  • Myles shows sociopathic tendencies, similar to that of Earl Kelly, and like Earl, ends up responsible for the death of another character.
  • Myles was dismissed from a football academy shortly before joining Waterloo Road.
  • He was scouted for Leicester City Football Club, however, due to his foot injury, he was unable to join the team.


  • "Yo, is it always like this then, or what?" (first line)

  • "Oh, I see how it is, huh? The fed's kid don't get searched? Oi, everyone! Watch out for this one, yeah? Watch out for him! He might go grass you up to his good old daddy cop, ain't that right, fella?"

  • "Oi, how long do you reckon until Mount Kelly-man-Jo-jo blows?"

  • "Well, I'm just being honest. Why would I fake-talk about something like that, come on, hey? I'm looking out for you! I know that it's like to feel left out as well, you know. My older brothers, they uh...they never told me anything either."

  • "This is my first day without my boot. I don't need some kid following me around."

  • Mrs Doubleday: "I thought you remembered Hamlet beautifully."
  • Myles: "Well, believe it or not, I'm familiar with tragedy."

  • "Yeah. Dwayne hasn't even asked you yet, has he? No. Oh, that is proper sly. Look, I'm not being funny, but in a few years he'll be done. Gone. And you'll be the one living in the house with your alkie mum, you understand? So you've gotta stand up to him. Don't let him ruin your life, kid."

  • "Yeah, we will find out. Cos there's gonna be a new record today. And it's gonna be me that sets it. Good luck."

  • Preston: "I always knew you were an idiot, Myles. Didn't know you were a homophobic one."
  • Myles: "Yeah, well, what can I say? I'm just a homophobic idiot that's gonna win, that's all. Good luck."

  • "You all know nothing! I'm better than every single one of you, all of you!"

  • "And you believe them, huh? Just cos you can't be arsed finding out for yourself. You're a sheep, just like everyone else in this damn place."

  • "He's got bulimia! Oi, Willie Walters has got bulimia, is everyone hearing this?! Is everyone listening? Girl disease of bulimia, eh?"

  • "Oi, everyone listen to me right now! You wanna know what I wish I'd known?! How many losers there are in this school! I wish I'd known how much of a waste of a time this place is! How it's full of people who aren't going anywhere, or gonna achieve a thing! Just look at the teachers! And how crap they are! I mean, how was I ever gonna learn a single thing, from a useless GIT like Guthrie?! I wish I'd never come here, so Dwayne Jackson could try take my football career away from me! Just cos he's a nobody, doesn't mean he can turn me into one as well! Nah! Nah, that is never gonna happen! I'm worth a thousand of him, and a thousand of his two gay dads he has to live with as well, just cos his mum don't want him! I'm worth a thousand of Preston Walters too! Let's give it up for Preston Walters, you all know Preston, right?! He's got bulimia! Did you know?! A girl disease! Goes to the bathroom, grabs a bar of chocolate, scoffs it down his face and pukes it all back up in secret! You couldn't write it, could you?! Oh, you're all pathetic! PATHETIC! You belong in this craphole of a school, all of you are nothing! Nothing!"

  • "NO, YOU ARE! No-one here's ever gonna forget me. And as for the rest of them, it'll be like they never existed, including you, you SAD WITCH!"

  • Rose: "Tell me you didn't."
  • Myles: "Yeah I did."
  • Rose: "Why? Why would you do that?"
  • Myles: "Cos it's what this place deserves." (final line)