BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

The Murray Set Boyz (MSB), also referred to simply as the Murray Set, were a street gang seen in the third part of Series 7. Its members included Eugene Garvey (the leader) and eventually Finn Sharkey.

The MSB are introduced as a rival gang to the Dale Sken Crew (the DSC), also seen in this part of Series 7.


In Series 7 Episode 26, DSC member Kyle Stack hatches a plan to start a fight with the MSB and its leader Eugene during the school's running event at the Murray estate. Tariq and Kyle engage in a mostly verbal altercation with the MSB before it is broken up by Daniel Chalk. Eugene later ends up at Waterloo Road after the run and is threatened by Kyle and Tariq, and a physical fight ensues before it is broken up by Chalky and Michael Byrne. Tariq and Kyle lie to Michael claiming Eugene came for them. Michael then hints to them he knows they are both members of the DSC.

In Episode 27, after an altercation with Tariq and Kyle combined with the heartbreak over the breakdown of his relationship with Trudi Siddiqui, Finn Sharkey approaches Eugene saying that he wants to join the gang, and after an initiation, that does indeed happen. The members at Waterloo Road of both gangs including Finn, Tariq and Kyle have several smaller altercations following this.

In Episode 28, things escalate when Finn tags the Siddiquis' lockup with the MSB's tag. Finn later brags about his handiwork to Tariq in school. In the same episode, Tariq and Kyle sell illegally imported Russian vodka in the school, which eventually leads to Kyle being permanently excluded when he assaults Nikki Boston after the vodka is found in his locker. Whilst seeing Kyle leave the grounds, Michael, Chalky and Tom Clarkson see Finn meeting with Eugene.

In Episode 29, after Finn and the MSB set fire to the Siddiquis' lockup which also happens to be the DSC's hangout, Finn runs in to rescue Naseem Siddiqui who was inside when the fire was set. Before a brawl can break out between the two gangs, Michael and Trudi arrive and both gangs flee. This gives Finn a wake up call and he leaves the gang, which doesn't go down too well with Eugene.

In Episode 30, on the final day of term, Tariq and Kyle plan to attack Finn at the school prom with a crossbow as payback for the lockup fire. The gang issues however are far from over, as Eugene along with the MSB walk into the school and attack Finn, eventually being chased off the premises by Michael. Shortly after this, Finn gives the names of the gang members to Michael, which leads to Chalky saying after Finn exits the room that the prom will have to be cancelled due to not being able to guarantee the kids' safety. Before the MSB leave the school, Eugene speaks with Tariq, saying that Finn is all his, stating that he has bigger problems with Finn than Eugene does. However, Josh Stevenson witnesses the conversation and the gang members flee.

Shortly after, whilst searching for Eugene with Ronan Burley, Josh is abducted by Eugene and a few of the gang members, but is able to alert Ronan of his location. On the top of a multi-storey car park, Eugene threatens Josh and tells him where "his area" is on the estate. Before any harm can come to Josh, Ronan shows up with Tom, and Eugene makes a joke that Ronan is going to chuck carrots at him. Tom eventually squares up to Eugene, only for Eugene to say that Tom can't touch him or he'll lose his job. However, due to the school's closure, Tom states that he's already lost his job and seems fully willing to fight Eugene, but the gang members leave before a fight can take place. This is the last we see of the MSB on screen.

Back at the school, Tariq has a change of heart, but when he goes to retrieve the crossbow during the prom, he discovers it has been taken, correctly guessing that it was stolen by Kyle. Tariq attempts to tell Finn but to no avail as Finn believes Tariq is trying to split him and Trudi up again. Josh, Ronan and Tom, who now know about Tariq's original plan, show up trying to find him. Josh spots Kyle with the crossbow and jumps in the way to save Finn, getting hit in the arm with a crossbow bolt.

After the events of Series 7 conclude, it's assumed that with Finn's testimony about the MSB earlier in the episode along with Kyle's arrest and Tariq stating he would tell the police everything about the DSC, that all the remaining gang members were arrested and sent to prison.
