BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Mollie "Mog" Richardson is a student at Waterloo Road High School.

Series 13[]

She first appears in Series 13 Episode 1 as one of a group of students who have poor attendance records.

In Series 13 Episode 2, as part of the school's mentoring scheme, she is paired up with Preston Walters, who makes fun of her for being antisocial and spending most of her time playing in a virtual world, after she makes fun of him for "carrying a basketball even though he doesn't play basketball" and for having "a bunch of ancient trophies in an ancient trophy cabinet". After spending time together in the virtual world, the two become good friends.

Series 14[]

In Series 14 Episode 2, new headteacher Steve Savage stops Mog when she tries to leave the school, and he sends her inside. He then spots Carla Duggan, an old pupil of his, at the school gates, and reacts badly, furiously sending her away. Later, a quantity of class A drugs is found stashed under a roof tile in the disabled toilets, and Mog reveals to Preston that they are hers, and that Carla got her dealing after they met on an online game. later, it is implied that Preston tells Steve after Steve gives the students an impassioned speech urging them to come forward if they think that a friend of theirs is in trouble with drugs, and when Steve asks if anyone has seen Mog she sprints away, but Steve catches her after she is stopped by deputy head Joe. After Mog tells Steve everything about Carla, he comes up with a plan for her to arrange to meet Carla with the drugs and secretly bring him with her to confront Carl. Joe thinks this is a terrible, dangerous idea, but Steve ignores his protests and goes ahead with it. He tries to urge Carla to do the right thing and leave the criminal world behind, but she refuses, and after she takes the drugs back from them and drives away, Steve reports her to the police and she is caught with the drugs and arrested.

Throughout the series, Mog befriends Steve's son Billy and supports him through his bullying at the hands of Schuey Weever. She encourages him to join Preston and Noel's band, and tries to dissuade him from standing up to Schuey when Schuey arranges a fight between them, but Billy goes to the fight anyway and gets humiliated when Schuey brings a whole gang.

Later, following the unintentional death of Schuey's sidekick Boz Osbourne at Billy's hands, Mog finishes reading a speech Billy wrote at Boz's memorial after Billy balks and walks out, which reveals Billy's feelings about Boz's death to the school.


  • Mog: "It's Mog." (first line)
  • Preston: "What, is that like, your gaming name?"
  • Mog: "Y'alright, champ?!"

  • Mog: "This is Preston. He likes to carry a basketball, even though he doesn't play basketball. He's got a bunch of ancient trophies, in an ancient trophy cabinet, and-"
  • Preston: "Right, this is, uh, Mog. Her actual name's Mollie, but she prefers being called Mog, cos, well I dunno, maybe she likes cats or something. Right, she plays virtual games in a virtual world with her virtual friends, cos she han't actually got any real ones. And she was home-schooled, but now, unlucky for us...we have to put up with her."

  • Mog: "I'm supposed to be in Leeds."
  • Preston: "Leeds?"
  • Mog: "To deliver a package."
  • Preston: "Mog..."
  • Mog: "I got caught tryna bunk off first thing, then they did the search, so I hid it. But I went back and it's not there. Now Carla's gonna kill me."
  • Preston: "So Carla's a dealer, yeah? How-how do you even know her?"
  • Mog: "From a game."
  • Preston: "What?"
  • Mog: "I've got loads of friends I've met in games. We were doing all these missions together, she started buying me upgrades. Next thing, she's saying I owe her. And I realise I've told her loads of stuff, like where I live, where I go to school, all this, and she's like 'you do a thing for me to pay it back'. I thought it'd be once and that's it, but it wasn't."

  • Billy: "I was thinking I might actually try out. But that's like, social suicide, innit?"
  • Mog: "Think you've got that covered with the whole 'my dad's the head' thing."

  • "Look, Mr Donte, or Coach Charles, or whatever we're supposed to be calling you right now. We're not being tight or anything, but at the end of the day, you're just a caretaker with a tracksuit on. You're not a qualified teacher, and we don't have to listen to you."