BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Mika Grainger was a bright hard-working student who was at one point the victim of a cyberbullying campaign. She gains confidence during her time at Waterloo Road and is shown to be more fiery and opinionated than her sister, Chlo Grainger.


Mika is more fiery and opinionated than her younger sister, Chlo. She's bright and works hard. She's closer to Tom since losing her mum and slowly adjusting to their new life together. She's head over heels with Brett and they start off the new term very much a couple. Although when Mika finds out her sister has slept with Brett her world collapses.


In Series 2 Mika was bullied by her former best friend Leigh-Ann Galloway. When they were at Brett Aspinall's house and Mika had a few drinks Leigh-Ann took off Mika's bra and took a picture on her mobile then threatened to put it on a website. This led Mika into trying to commit suicide but Tom Clarkson and Izzie Redpath found her and stopped her. After everything Leigh-Ann never went through with it and she was expelled.

After her mother, Izzie Redpath, dies, she grows closer to her guardian, Tom Clarkson, and finds comfort in her boyfriend, Brett Aspinall, however she soon finds herself questioning how much she can trust Brett after he is caught cheating with Chlo.

She later forgives Chlo for her deceit, but she is still left wondering about her future with Brett. She later realises she loves Brett, especially when he goes through with a protest to make the school 'more eco friendly', no matter what the consequences are for them both.

In Series 3 Mika was seen outside the school with a bottle of vodka which she was drinking to get over the fact that Brett and Chlo had slept together. Later on she was seen confronting Rachel Mason then accidentally being sick on her. Mika also had a lot of ups and downs (mostly downs) in series 3 and after finding out that her sister Chlo Grainger had slept with her boyfriend she became quite rebellious. Mika also in the aftermath during this rebellious stage she became defensive and caused fights and arguments quite often but finally came round to the idea of what had happened in the previous weeks and went back to normal until all the protests started and caused even more trouble for the school.

Mika was involved in green issues, much to the annoyance of Eddie Lawson, Rachel Mason and Tom. On one occasion, a student demonstration in the school grounds against the felling of ancient oak trees turns violent and Mika, although hesitant, initially goes along until her father-figure Tom is apparently hurt.

Mika's last appearance in the original run of Waterloo Road was at the end of Series 3, when a huge gas explosion occurred in the school canteen, and left a group of students and teachers trapped inside the school, including Chlo and their guardian's girlfriend, Davina Shackleton. Mika is relieved that Chlo is eventually saved by Donte Charles and Tom Clarkson, but the fate of Davina is left unanswered in the series when she's put in an ambulance with smoke inhalation.

2007/2008 (the end of series 3) was the final year of Mika's A-Level studies, and the character went on to attend university.

Mika makes a surprise return in the last episode of Series 13, appearing on screen for the first time since her sister Chlo's death. We learn that she is now living in Leeds after a spell in Dubai. It is also revealed that she has a son and was 8 months pregnant at the time of Chlo's death, explaining her absence at the funeral. She mentions Simon, a past partner she recently separated from.

Mika turns up on Donte's door after being in contact with Izzy, telling her about her unhappiness living with Nicky and the Walters. Mika then reveals to the kids that Donte and Nicky are seeing each other, much to the horror of Tonya, Preston and Tommy. She urges Donte to rethink his decision of letting the Nicky's family live with him as she believes her kids are a bad influence on Izzy, especially so soon after her mother's death.

Izzy is desperate to move out so she suggests to Donte she goes to live with her aunt Mika in Leeds. She says that is what her mother would have wanted. Mika then visits the school to speak to Donte and apologise, though she still doesn't approve of his relationship with Nicky. She says the kids are not ready for a new family.

At the end of the school day, Mika returns to Waterloo Road to see Izzy, just as Shuey's father has an altercation with Donte. Pete Weaver tries to hit Donte with his car, and just misses as Nicky jumps in to save Donte and gets hit instead. Mika rushes to comfort Izzy as she is traumatised by memories of her mother's death which was caused in a similar situation. Izzy breaks down and Mika assures her she will always be there for her.

The family later visit Nicky in hospital. Izzy and Mika try to convince Donte that it would be for the best for Izzy to go and live with her aunt in Leeds, away from Waterloo Road where she will struggle to return to after the incident. Donte eventually agrees and breaks the news to Nikki and her family.

It is currently unknown whether Mika and Izzy will appear in Series 14.


  • Mika is the only living member of her family, those being Tom Clarkson, Izzie Redpath and Chlo Charles who are all deceased. Although her father Jimmy Grainger is presumably still alive but they have a strained relationship.
  • Mika prefers milk chocolate.
  • Izzy Charles mentions that her uncle has a tattoo on his neck. This could be a reference to either Josh Stevenson or Mika's partner.
  • Mika currently holds the record of the longest gap in-between appearances of a character on the show.


  • "No, I said." (first line)

  • "Fine, go ahead. You're a pathetic, nasty piece of work - and if you ever have kids, you better hope they never come across someone like you. I just want you to know, you'll never get to me again."

  • "Don't you flaming touch me!" (Slapping Chlo as she said the word 'flaming')

  • "I never want to see you again."

  • "Get stuffed!"

  • "I wasn't looking for you because I hoped you were dead!"

  • Chlo: "Would it be so bad if he saw somebody else?"
  • Mika: "Someone else, no. But Davina Shagathon?"

  • "Tom." (final line of her first stint)

  • Mika: "Donte."
  • Donte: "Mika."
  • Mika: "I'm here to see my niece." (First lines upon her return in Series 13)

  • Izzy: (crying) "It's not that I hate her. I hate that she's not mum. I want mum."
  • Mika': "I know, Izz, but you've got me. You've always got me."

  • "She can't go in the BU. Cos..." (final line)