BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Mickey McArthur was a student from Havelock High who appeared in Series 10 Episode 6.

Mickey is first seen shoplifting food, but is caught by the shopkeeper, who goes to call the police. Justin Fitzgerald intervenes and pays for the goods instead. The shopkeeper doesn't call the police, but bans Mickey from the shop.

Outside the shop, Justin and Tiffany Westbrook see Mickey searching through the bins, looking for food. Mickey pretends to thank Justin for what he did in the shop and hugs him, using it as a chance to pickpocket Justin's wallet.

Justin later goes to buy something from a vending machine when he notices his wallet is missing. He instantly knows it was Mickey and knows he is a student at Havelock High due to the uniform he was wearing.

Justin turns up at Havelock and confronts the headmaster, Mr Dunbar, who makes Mickey give Justin his wallet back. It is mentioned that Mickey's father is in prison and that the school have tried to help Mickey but have been repaid with 'insolence, aggression, stealing and fighting'. This incident is the final straw for Mr Dunbar, who expels Mickey.

Due to being expelled, Mickey turns up at Waterloo Road and attacks Justin. Due to Justin's past history of violence, Vaughan Fitzgerald decides to let Mickey off with a warning.

Justin follows Mickey home only to discover that he is living in extreme poverty with his mother and younger sister. Mickey explains that his mother lost her zero-hour contract job after having to have time off work when his younger sister was sick.

Mickey's situation inspires Justin to set up a food bank at the school. Justin returns to Mickey's house and says that he Mickey can register at Waterloo Road if he wants, but Mickey refuses. He says he will try to find a job and Justin tells him about the new food bank before leaving.

Mickey isn't seen again.
