Maxwell Gerard[1] "Max" Tyler was the Executive Headteacher of Waterloo Road Comprehensive as well as three other schools across the Local Authority (LEA) in Series 5. Previously the Head of John Fosters Private School before its merger with Waterloo Road, Max lies about Rachel Mason's poor leadership and how the school is failing to the LA, therefore allowing him full control due to the decision to base him at Waterloo Road permanently.
Max is a driven, highly ambitious man with a hard-working ethos who measures schools' achievements via league table success. For Max, children need boundaries, discipline, a sense of purpose and respect for others. He believes social disadvantage shouldn't hold children back nor should pupils be able to use their circumstances as an excuse for bad behaviour.
Max's marriage to Jennifer Headley, a Senior Member of the LA, ends in Series 5 after Max files for divorce, after having affairs with Helen Hopewell (while at John Fosters, the only reason she gained a job as a teacher at Waterloo Road), and also Kim Campbell, the Head of Pastoral Care and Art teacher at Waterloo Road.
Max's authoritarian approach crossed a line when he physically assaulted Philip Ryan, he did this by throwing him up against a filing cabinet in Rachel's office. Max was removed by security from Waterloo Road after the truth of him bullying Rachel and abusing Philip was uncovered. He never taught again. His voice can be heard at the end of Series 10 Episode 20, along with other past characters.
- "If you don't mind, I'd like to reassure the new intake." (first line)
- "Don't play the victim, Rachel. It doesn't suit you."
- "Now, that was clumsy, wasn't it? Now, you'd best stay on my good side, for Miss Mason's sake. She's worked hard to get where she is. You'd best serve her by buckling down."
- "You, you're just a sad, lonely little boy who tries to be funny just so that people will like him." (To Philip Ryan)
- "Play games with me again, Sambuca, and your whole family will suffer. You're vermin." (Series 5 Episode 9, replayed as one of the quotes from past and present characters heard at the end of Series 10 Episode 20)
- "Yeah, yeah, leave it, Christopher, be the good little lapdog that you are...out of interest, how much does she charge a member of staff?" (final line, spoken right before Chris punches him)