BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Margaret "Maggie" Budgen (previously Croft) was head of the schoolhouse and a home economics teacher, with a penchant for bingo, country music and karaoke. Intuitive and maternal, she's the perfect woman to head up the new schoolhouse and would do anything to protect the kids in her care. She's had a tough life, but has finally found happiness in the shape of Grantly, with whom she claims it was 'love at first fight'.

Thanks to her easy, motherly way with the kids and years of experience as a dinner lady, Maggie made the jump into teaching home economics. She's had a bit of a rocky start, but her caring nature and natural authority have seen her overcome the early bumps in the road of her fledgling teaching career. In Series 9 we see Maggie getting even closer to the kids, in particular Kevin, as she throws herself into work to deal with the loss of her beloved Grantly.


  • Maggie is the only character in the final episode to have been a part of the school in Rochdale. Rhiannon Salt was also present in this episode and came from Rochdale, but didn't make her first appearance until Series 8.
  • Maggie is the second-longest-serving female member of staff, the first being Steph Haydock.
  • She was a dinner lady in Rochdale and in Greenock before becoming a teacher.
  • She was in charge of the school boarding house with Grantly.
  • Maggie has diabetes, which stopped her from being able to donate a kidney to Grantly.
  • In Series 7, Maggie states that she's worked at Waterloo Road for 9 years, meaning she's most likely met every known headteacher in the original run of the show, making her the only character in the show to do so.


  • "I would like to see how far Mr Byrne would get with an oven that doesn't get past gas mark 6, a set of cooking knives that are older than my Granny, and an exploding grill! What are you laughing at?!"

  • "I think we'll cut quite a dash, you and me."

  • "No, hang on, no, hang on, not good enough. You wanna marry me...get down on bended knee."

  • "We've got kids out there to look after. House Daddy."

  • Grantly: "I'm sone cold stober."
  • Maggie: "Yeah, well, you will be when I hoy this at you."

  • Maggie: "You leave me utterly speechless sometimes, Grantly Budgen."
  • Grantly: "I wish."

  • "Me and Grantly only got wed last year, but you know, from the moment I met him, I always knew we'd end up together. He's no James Bond, but s'just something about him. I always say, it was love at first fight."

  • "Go and serve your muck somewhere else!"

  • "Rhiannon, man! Get real! He only went with you, so that him and his dad could pinch my job!"

  • "Sonya, man. Love is a gift. It should be shouted from the rooftops, not kept hidden like a dirty secret."

  • "Don't look too hard. I'm making it up as I go along."

  • Maggie: "I thought that bringing him home would remind him of what he's got to live for, but...he's just obsessed with what he's lost. And, well, your'll change everything. If that's still what you wanna do?"
  • Tom: "You know, Maggie, this is a really big deal for me. But I've never been more certain about anything in all my life."

  • "You should know better, Rhiannon. And you, you should be ashamed of yourselves, sitting there like lemons! Out of my sight, the lot of you! And you!"

  • "I love you, Grantly Budgen. You do know that, don't you?"

  • Maggie: "Grantly, the hospital called. Mr Dinesh."
  • Grantly: "What did he want?"
  • Maggie: "Oh, oh, nothing much. He only wants to give you a new kidney!"

  • "That's right, dump it all on Maggie!"

  • "Even Heston Blumen-what's-his-face couldn't do anything with this lot. The kids are gonna be starving by the time I get lunch ready! And that Mr Bain, he's gonna be tipping up any minute, expecting his lunch!"

  • "We do have something in common, you know. Neither of us wanna be here. But, since we are, how about a bit of graft?!"

  • "Lula's like one of me own, man! I couldn't let her down! Don't tell me you wouldn't've fought tooth and nail for your Connor if he'd been in trouble!"

  • "So, just to recap, if I hear any creaking floorboards, I'm gonna go bananas. And if I actually catch any of yous leaving your rooms at'll be out of this house, for good."

  • "OK, stop, right. Forget about what other people think. What do you want? What does Rhiannon Salt want, hmm? Cos you know what? I reckon, that you would make the most amazing nursery nurse."

  • "Uh huh. 'Written by Cresta Meldrew'! I.e. you! It's not gonna take a genius to work out that this - well, story, as you like to put it - is about Christine Mulgrew! Howay, man, honest to god. What were you thinking, eh?"

  • "You do realise this is Greenock, not the Olympic Village?"

  • George: "Where will it all end? That's the big question. I mean, why don't we just get Jimmy from the corner shop in to take a few lessons, or the lollipop lady? I mean, who knows, they might all have 'natural talent'. Well, at least we knew the dinner lady could cook before she started teaching it!"
  • Maggie: "Aw, George. Coming from you, that's quite the compliment."

  • "Sonya, what's the matter? OK. Come on, spill. It can't be worse than anything I've heard over t' schoolhouse."

  • Dale: "Look, talking's really not my thing-"
  • Maggie: "You need to make it your thing. All the stage win interviews on the Tour de France?"

  • "I was just thinking about Grantly." (final line)