Madeline "Madi" Diamond is a classic Princess: needy, vain, gorgeous and high maintenance. Madi was the apple of her father's eye when her parents were together and took the break-up of their marriage personally – why would her dad leave her? As a result, Madi's self-confidence is on the floor. She desperately seeks affirmation and wants to be adored.
Following in her father's footsteps, Madi has grown into quite a vain creature – spending hours applying make-up, fake tan and false eyelashes. Given free reign of her dad's credit card, Madi will think nothing of spending big wads of his cash on getting her eyelashes permed, if it makes her more eligible. We first see Madi when their mother publicly dumps her with her younger brother Zack at Waterloo Road and she comes face to face with her biggest competitor for her dad's affections – Sian.
Used to getting her own way, Madi will get into a sulk if she doesn't, which Lauren, Trudi or Vicki would have no patience for. She soon finds Ronan's easy-going, cocky sense of humour reassuring, and his confident attitude builds her own confidence. Madi becomes a devoted friend to him, but their friendship grates on Vicki.
Series 7
After Sian and Jez split up, Madi decides that she wants to go live with Sian rather than go away with her dad, even though she hated Sian at the beginning. They both eventually move back to their mother Sarah's.
Series 8
In Series 8, Sarah kicks Madi out after Madi had a sexual encounter with Sarah's boyfriend Gary. Madi comes up to Greenock and stays with Sian. Her brother Zack stays with Sarah.
During this series, Madi has a fling with Gus Hancock, and also makes a pass at Sian's new boyfriend Ray.
Madi stays at the school until Episode 8, when she gets a job as a cabin maid on a cruise ship.
- "I'll go find him." (first line)
- "Oh, so you're her. The SLAPPER!"
- Sian: "Madi, I didn't take your father away from you-"
- Madi: "YOU'RE A LIAR!" [slaps Sian]
- "I never wanted to come to Waterloo Road. My parents split up, I had no-one to talk to. I had a wicked stepmother, and life was generally awful. But I'm getting to know her, and I think I really like her. Changing lanes, coming here, has brought us all closer together. My dad's a PE teacher, and my wicked stepmother turns out to be not so wicked, most of the time. You know, it's taught me that changes, even if they are scary, can be good. And Waterloo Road has supported me through it. Sian's a science teacher, and she is really great. It's a great school, and coming here has made me a happier person."
- "Dad, you disappeared for three days straight. Not a word, and we were worried sick! Tell us what's going on, or we're not going anywhere, right?"
- Madi: "She's such an attention seeker."
- Finn: "What? No she's not."
- Madi: "Oh yes she is. Look, we get that she's fast, but she's not Speedy flaming Gonzalez."
- Madi: "Like what?! You mess things up all the time! You have no right telling me what I can and can't do!"
- Jez: "Yes I can, because I'm your dad!"
- Madi: "Yeah well I wish you weren't!"
- Madi: "Look, just cos they say we can't, don't mean we won't have a party anyway."
- Lauren: "Where, your house?"
- Madi: "No. No, we'll have it here. No-one will know, not if the teachers are gone."
- "You said I should come visit. So here I am! Surprised, or...what?"
- Madi: "Oh my god, Tariq..."
- Tariq: "It's alright. No point pretending."
- Madi: "So, um...does everything still work downstairs?"
- Madi: "Wow! Not bad...for a fat girl."
- Rhiannon: "Better than you, cupcake!"
- Gus: "So, Mads. Looking fine today. So listen, I've got a couple of tickets for a gig tonight. You interested?"
- Madi: "I'd love to."
- Gus: "Alright!"
- Madi: "If I was desperate to hang out with a brainless ape child."
- Madi: "Everyone's there for you, aren't they, Josh? Your dad, the teachers...what about me?"
- Michael: "Madi?"
- Madi: "What do you care?! No-one bothers about me, do they?! NO-ONE GIVES A DAMN ABOUT ME, DO THEY?! D'YOU KNOW WHAT, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU ALL!"
- "Course, you're gonna have to sub me the money - just until I get paid?" (final line)