BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Sleek careerist, LEA-suggested candidate for headteacher, Lyndsay Woodham arrived at Waterloo Road Comprehensive School full of confidence and with great potential, but has not quite thought twice about the idea of working around mixed-ability pupils.

Lyndsay and acting headteacher Jack Rimmer go head-to-head for the permanent position, and Lyndsay becomes candidate number 1, especially after she impresses the governors with an incredible and inspiring presentation about how she would manage the school. Later, as Lyndsay and Jack wait in the corridor for the governors to make their decision, Dale Baxter, a pupil suffering from overactive bladder syndrome, bursts into the corridor and attacks Jack. Lyndsay watches in horror as Jack manages to calm down Dale and eventually send him back to Kim Campbell.

Later, the governors come to their final decision, and at first it appears that Lyndsay is the new headmistress, but after consideration, Lyndsay realises she wouldn't be capable of handling erratic behaviour such as Dale Baxter's, but she decides to visit Jack in his office alongside Head of Pastoral Care Kim Campbell, Deputy Headmaster Andrew Treneman and secretary Davina Shackleton, admitting defeat and incapability, believing she may be better off at another school. Jack advises her that being headteacher is not just PowerPoint presentations and champagne. Lyndsay agrees on this advice and the pair part on good terms.
