Lula Tsibi is an intelligent and outspoken girl, often finding herself clashing with her school mates, but behind the veneer is a vulnerable girl who doesn't want to draw anyone close for a reason. She does not want the spotlight on her and wants to stay in the background. Her intelligence about her religion helps her know what to do and what not to do.
Before Lula's first appearance, she and her parents had escaped the bloodshed in the Congo for a new life in Scotland; Lula and her mother Cecile entered the UK legally, but her father was an illegal immigrant, and after he became seriously ill, Lula ended up calling an ambulance for him, which resulted in the authorities finding him and deporting him. Lula blamed herself for this, fearing him dead back in the Congo.
After it is found out that her uncle is trying to have her exorcised, and Cecile kicks him out, Lula finally settles down at Waterloo Road and makes good friends with Harley Taylor and Kacey Barry.
Harley and Kacey are soon roped into Lula's protests against Nox Pharmaceuticals, which she is essentially groomed into doing by Esther Fairclough. This campaign comes to an end after Lula nearly attacks Nox donor Lorraine Donnegan with acid and accidentally injures Esther with it in the process, and Esther later absconds.
When Daniel Chalk and Kevin Chalk's mobile game 'Chalk and Cheese' comes out, Lula quickly finds she is addicted.
Later in the series, it is revealed that Lula and her mother are being deported back to the Congo, as the authorities believe that Cecile was dishonest about her reasons for coming to the UK. On the run, Lula hides at the school whilst the students, led by Audrey McFall, stage a protest against the deportation, and when immigration officers come, Shaznay Montrose hands herself over to them claiming to be Lula, but when they get to where Cecile is being held and Cecile immediately asserts that this is not her daughter, Shaznay is sent straight back to the school. The protests ultimately fail and Lula reveals herself to the deportation officers and kisses Harley just before she is deported back to the Congo.
Two episodes later, after many failed attempts to obtain contact, Lula video calls Audrey and Harley to let them know that she is safe and well, living in Kinshasa with relatives. She says that she is planning to help teach younger children at the local school due to a lack of teachers there. The video call is later interrupted by poor internet connection and Lula is not heard from again.
- Just like her actress Marlene Madenge, Lula and her family escaped the bloodshed in the Congo for a new life in Scotland several years ago.
- Lula has strong beliefs against animal cruelty, vivisection and testing, and is vegetarian.
- Along with her other beliefs, Lula is deeply religious.
- Lula's exit is similar to that of Sameen Azizi in Series 3. In both cases they run away from the deportation officers and the school rally behind them. Also in both cases they eventually give themselves up to the deportation officers and are both deported.
- "Will we also study the history of Africa?" (first line)
- Sian: "Lula, what do you-"
- Lula: "DON'T TOUCH ME!"
- Lula: "Not one of those things. What happened to you was God's will."
- Tariq: "Why would God wanna put me in a chair?"
- Lula: "As a punishment."
- Tariq: "A punishment? For what?"
- Lula: "Maybe you have an ugly heart."
- Tariq: "An ugly heart? Are you for real?"
- Lula: "God punishes evil. And if he finds it in you, he will act. It happened to you, no-one else. Only you and God know what you did. He punished you so your heart will get better."
- "My father left the Congo because his life was in danger. If he's there now...he's dead."
- "They've been looking at you since you came in. But it's OK - how you say - notes and bling don't impress me."
- "Just say no, Harley. Good boy, Harley."
- "Mad? Are you not mad at what Nox Pharmaceutical are doing to animals? This is war, and in war you must take action against your enemies."
- Lula: "Nox Pharmaceuticals are criminals!"
- Lorraine: "Change the record, Lula."
- "That man is a pig! In fact, calling him that is an insult to pigs!"
- "Talk! All I hear is talk! You know what, I don't need your talk."
- Lula: "What were you doing in Africa?"
- Laurence Brown: "We were sent to Kenya to fight the Mau Mau terrorists."
- Lula: "Uh, they weren't terrorists. They were freedom fighters. You had no right to be there!"
- Hector: "So what was Darren missing?"
- Lula: "A brain?"
- Lula: "I need three 'A's and a 'B'."
- Harley: "Oh, you'll do that easy! Why don't you just chill here for the next year? Go to uni when I do?"
- Lula: "Cos I wanna do this is as soon as possible. Where I'm from, chances like this don't come very often, Harley."
- "I'm getting deported. Me and my mum, we have to leave the country."
- "When we first arrived, my mother was scared, and they asked her so many questions, and now they say that she changed her story. But that's impossible, my mother would never tell lies. And, we've been here for almost two years, Miss. And they decide to tell us now?"
- "Running away hasn't worked, Harley. So, I need to be brave, and face my situation."
- "You are the best friend anyone could ever ask for. I love you too."
- "I tried to run away like you said, Mum. But I realised, running away won't solve anything. Whatever happens, wherever we end up, I want us to face things together."
- "Uh, I've been spending a lot of time with my dad. So it's been great! I didn't realise how much I'd missed him."
- "Aw, me too." (final line)