BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Lorna Hutchinson joins Waterloo Road as Simon Lowsley's replacement as deputy head, and she immediately falls into conflict with former headteacher (now Head of English), Christine Mulgrew.

Series 10

Lorna turns up for her first day of work in tattered clothes, and covered in engine oil, apparently after her car breaks down. She starts her new job at the school being accidentally punched in the face by new pupil Kenzie Calhoun. Throughout her first episode, Lorna pursues Kenzie and the reason for her feud with Scott Fairchild.

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After Kenzie runs out of school, Lorna goes to visit her house, where she finds Kenzie is a full-time carer for her mother, who has ME. She also finds other pupils' school books, which Kenzie has used to copy off identically. Lorna finally breaks through to Kenzie in an argument over a science test, and Kenzie tells her she can't read or write.

Kenzie takes private tutoring from Christine Mulgrew, however Kenzie wants to be tutored by Lorna instead, something Christine later agrees to.

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Lorna and Kenzie

In Series 10 Episode 13, when she arrives home from work, Lorna calls her mother from a second mobile phone which is kept in a drawer. She lies about the location of her new job, claiming she is working in London.

Part way through the term, Lorna and Christine form a PTA to fight the merger. They have to battle Steph Norton, a parent who is very open to the merger with Havelock, and in Episode 15, they organise a trip to Havelock High. Colin Bond, a senior teacher at Havelock, recognises Lorna from a wedding, something Lorna denies going to, suggesting she has a secret.

In Episode 18, Lorna kisses Marco D'Olivera, watched, unbeknownst to them, by a man in a nearby car. In Episode 19, the man is revealed to be her husband Rob, and she does not look to pleased to see him as she left him 4 months ago. Something is off, but Rob says he has changed.

In Episode 20, we see Rob's true colours that suggests that she was in an abusive relationship with him, as he is very controlling. He attacks Marco and locks him and Kenzie in the school fridge, before trying to drag Lorna into his car and take her away. Lorna stands up to him and refuses to go with him, and he is arrested for what he did to Marco and Kenzie.

Lorna is last seen asking Marco on a date during the celebrations at the school being saved from the merger.

Behind the scenes


  • "Right, that's enough!" (first line)

  • Lorna: "Inside, now!"
  • Kenzie: "Says who?"
  • Scott: "Yeah, take a walk, tramp."
  • Lorna: "Says your new deputy head!"

  • "Good. Cos that's the vision you sold me the job on. Second chances as a way of saving the school."

  • Christine: "A bright-eyed, bushy-tailed deputy with no experience isn't a good idea, is it? 'Mr Fitzgerald and myself'! I mean, she's all over the place, and she's only about, what, 12?"
  • Lorna: "I'm 32, actually."

  • "No, we need to see this through, and at the moment, that's just you and me. I mean, who else is there? Look at the alternatives - Christine, some middle-aged alcoholic with no ambition, some fuddy-duddy old historian, Old Mother Hubbard running the boarding house, and a snake-in-the-grass French teacher who seems to have a pathological hatred of children!"

  • Lorna: "Wow, OK. Fellow science teacher and health nut, you put me to shame!"
  • Marco: "I dunno, you look pretty fit yourself! W-I mean in a, cardiovascular kind of way, you know, not as in, fit, in a, you know, as in an attractive way. I mean, that's not to say you're not...objectively speaking, you know, pretty. I mean, pretty good looking. Not that I am looking, I - oh god, what I mean is, um..."
  • Lorna: "First piece of mentoring advice - just quit while you're behind, yeah?"

  • "There's a chance we're about to be accused of bringing a paedophile into our school. We do this by the book."

  • "Hiya, Mum, how are you? Yeah, I'm fine. Just ringing to see how you were. I've just started my new job. Yeah, it's in London. OK. Bye, Mum."

  • "Pupils are like pack animals. As soon as they see something that winds you up, they'll all be doing it, all the time."

  • Marco: "Lorna! I thought maybe we could uh, go for a drink. Toast my first day."
  • Lorna: "Uh, I try and keep my professional and my private life separate. Avoids complications."

  • "Remember our motto - good PR, good PR, good PR."

  • "A word of advice, Marco. Learn to quit while you're ahead."

  • "That's my husband. Uh...ex-husband, sort-of. It's complicated."

  • Lorna: "He was burn out and frustrated with work, and...yeah, he took it out on me."
  • Marco: "How?"
  • Lorna: "Doing me down, mostly. Controlling me."

  • "You. How I've just let you come back in and take over. This is what I ran away from, this is why I ran away, and this is why I didn't talk to you about it, because I knew you'd convince me otherwise!"

  • "Cos you wanna control me, but you've got no power over me any more! You may not have changed, but I have! Oh what you gonna do? Get angry? Lose it? I don't care! You won't win! We're finished, once and for all!"

  • "Oh good. Maybe we should go for that meal that you mentioned." (final line)