BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Lindon King was the joint deputy headteacher of Waterloo Road High School between Series 11 and 13, while also serving as Head of Science and Head of the Basketball Team.

Series 11[]

Lindon lost out on the job of headteacher to Kim Campbell and thus comes off as dismissive of her plans for the school. He is also renowned among students for his no-nonsense approach to discipline, convincing Kim that a Behavioural Unit (BU) within the school is necessary after the riot on the first day.

He and his wife Hannah are going through a rough patch at the start of term and their daughter Verity thinks they will separate soon. He books a hotel for the night when Hannah says he doesn't deserve to come home if he isn't going to apologise to her for ignoring her needs.

Lindon convinces Danny Lewis to not get into any more trouble after he lands in the BU for fighting, and supports Preston Walters when he has a panic attack.

Towards the end of the series, Lindon has a brief fling with Kim, and tells her he is going to divorce Hannah. When Hannah finds out that he is planning to divorce her, she storms into school and confronts him during a basketball friendly in which he is trying to show off the boys' team's talents to basketball coach Jamie Bedford. Lindon also accidentally lets slip to LEA rep Erica Thorne about Donte Charles smashing up Coral Walker's car.

In the last episode of the series, after pupil Danny Lewis stabs Vinny McCullen, Kim resigns and endorses the other deputy head, Joe Casey, as her successor, but Erica offers the acting head post to Lindon. Lindon turns it down after seeing Kim deal with a protest that the pupils stage against Danny's detainment, and Kim stays in the job.

Series 12[]

Kim and Lindon start Series 12 at loggerheads over Lindon letting slip to Erica about Donte smashing up Coral's car, until Lindon tells Kim that he will back her when she tells the school governors that she wants to abandon the new tight security measures put in place following the stabbing.

In Series 12 Episode 2, Verity overhears Kim and Lindon talking about sleeping together in the previous series, and runs off upset. Lindon tries to catch up with her but she refuses to talk to him. He later finds her on a bench outside of the school and apologises to her, but she tells him that Hannah is not going to forgive him.

In Series 12 Episode 5, after a stressed Joe runs out of school after snapping at the pupils for laughing at his yellow trousers borrowed from Nicky Walters after ripping his normal trousers, Lindon goes after Joe and calms him down. Lindon also reveals that he is now living in a studio flat, seeing his kids every other weekend.

In Series 12 Episode 6 it is the day of the school's charity run, and Lindon promises to double the sponsor money if Preston Walters breaks the school record for fastest time on the run, a promise that Lindon quickly regrets when the sponsor money racks up higher than he expected. In the end the record is not broken however, as Preston collapses from a cardiac arrest during the run. Lindon helps to save his life when he runs and gets the school defibrillator and operates it to restart Preston's heart.

Series 13[]

At the start of Series 13, following Danny's death at the end of the previous series, Lindon and Kai retire his shirt number, and Lindon leads a minute's silence for him.

When Preston tries to join in the basketball team for the first time following his cardiac arrest, Lindon gently tells him that he will play, just not yet, because it is too soon.

In Series 13 Episode 3, Lindon accompanies Kim to a meeting with Andrew Treneman and Serena-Michelle Davies about Waterloo Road potentially joining Lowry Community Academies academy trust. Later in the episode, Schuey Weever tells Lindon that he saw Mike Rutherford hugging pupil Shola Aku, sparking an investigation into Mike's conduct that almost costs him his job. Also during this episode, Lindon hears about Kelly Jo's newfound passion for her suspected Jamaican heritage, and tells her that he is organising a Jamaican culture day at the school.

In Series 13 Episode 4, Kim takes the day off to support her boyfriend Andrew Treneman after finding out he has cancer, leaving Joe and Lindon in charge. It is the Jamaican culture day, and Lindon supports Kelly Jo when she breaks down to him about her mother Debs telling her that her father might not have been Jamaican after all. Lindon later tells Joe that he never found out about his own father's heritage, having left it too late to ask him. Feeling sorry for Lindon, Joe invites him round to his and Mike's house for dinner.

Lindon leaves between Series 13 and 14 without explanation and is not seen again.


  • "Morning, Joe." (first line)

  • "A spontaneous plan? You can look up 'oxymoron' in detention."

  • "You know what they're learning from your textiles and beanbags? You're a soft touch. You think they respect you, I promise you they don't."

  • "Hannah. Hannah, listen to me. It's not working. I'm sorry. But we've tried, and we just keep arguing over the same things. It' this point, we just need to figure out what's best for the kids. Look, I can't speak about this here, I'll call you later, OK? Alright...alright."

  • "It's not exactly easy when it's one rule for them, and another rule for staff. No consequences for a caretaker who smashes up cars?"

  • "I know you've done your best by them. Built them up from scared little kids. It's what I see you do every day, with the kids here. S'why they come to you. They trust you. And before you say it, you're not leaving. Because then they'll expect me to be the empathetic understanding one, and you know that's not gonna work."

  • Lindon: "Oh, hold on, hold on, hang on a second. It was 40 quid when I offered."
  • Caz: "Well uh, your kind gesture encouraged people to dig deep, Sir."

  • Lindon: "And today, for the first day, we're gonna be celebrating all things Jamaica."
  • Coral: "When's it British culture day?"
  • Lindon: "Every other day."

  • "I never got the chance to find out about my dad's heritage, and by the time I...chose to ask, it was too late."

  • "Yeah, Kim asked me to take care of it. Apparently I'm an authority on difficult pupils."

  • "There will be a teacher to help supervise, just in case you run into any problems." (final line)