BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Linda Radleigh was an old friend and great supporter of Michael Byrne's education methods. Linda brought the standards of her professional appearance to her work at Waterloo Road, but there was an exciting and fun core to her lessons. She was a replacement for former English teacher Eleanor Chaudry, and replaced Tom Clarkson as Head of English after his promotion to Deputy Headteacher.

She could make learning a poem off by heart 'a good laugh' and she loved to banter with the children – as long as the boundaries were set by her and the kids knew exactly what they were. She was the main antagonist of the second part of Series 7.

She handled discipline with a 'more in sorrow than in anger' approach. She would be 'let down' or 'disappointed' by a recalcitrant child's behaviour, knowing she could almost always make them feel ashamed of themselves this way.

For all Linda's easy manner and wide group of friends, there was a bit of a hidden well of loneliness there. She lived alone in a basement flat and has a pet rabbit in her tiny garden. Linda was unlucky in love in her early twenties and didn't ever really get over it – that is until Michael awakens a sleeping desire. She also had a brief relationship with Maths teacher Daniel Chalk, although it soon becomes clear that she was just using him.

After finding out about Michael's affair with Deputy Head Sian Diamond, Linda took drastic action and ran him over, causing Michael to end up in the hospital with memory loss. However it didn't take long before Linda was arrested for attempted murder. It's unclear what happened to Linda afterwards as she is not seen or mentioned again.


  • Linda's attempt to murder Michael by deliberately colliding with him and her car alongside her increasingly erratic behaviour may indicate a Borderline Personality Disorder, there is further evidence to suggest this:
    • Reap from her final line:…”I waited and waited it should've been me! I love you!…”
    • The fact that she outwardly displayed infatuation towards Michael, despite her awareness of his affair with her closest friend, Sian Diamond.
    • Becoming enraged if ever suspected of unfaithfulness towards Michael, even at the slightest mere jest.


  • "Looks like fun!" (first line)

  • "Aha, the oasis of calm! Linda Radleigh, new Head of English."

  • "You used to lead - inspire! Not polish your jackboots on everyone else's backside!"

  • "Uh, look, I'm gonna come right out with this. I've always found you very attractive. Why don't you come back to mine tonight? I promise you won't be disappointed."

  • "Hello, handsome. Last time I saw you, you were wearing considerably less."

  • "Some piece of work you are! You've dropped me right in it!"

  • "You look tired! Must be all the late night rendezvous at Michael's flat."

  • "I have to say, you're more principled than I thought. And some might say you struck gold getting Michael, who appreciates your encyclopaedic knowledge and traditional values - I mean, who knows, you might get another head happy to indulge your questionable commitment, surreptitious gambling and inflated salary. Good luck with that!"

  • "It's over, Michael. We could've been so good together." (after running Michael over)

  • Janeece: "There's a name for people like you - bunny boiler! Wouldn't surprise me if you mowed him down yourself!"
  • Linda: "How dare you? Michael is my friend - my oldest friend. I would do anything for that man, so don't you ever ever question my loyalty to him again!"

  • Daniel: "You used me."
  • Linda: "Only because you were happy to let me. As if I'd fall for you."

  • "You humiliated me, in front of Sian! It should've been me, why didn't you choose me?! I waited and waited, it should've been me! I love you! Get off me! Michael! Michael!" (final line)