BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Libby Guthrie is the daughter of history teacher Neil Guthrie.

Series 13[]

She arrives at Waterloo Road High School in Series 13 Episode 2 having run away from her mum in New Zealand. After much persuasion her dad allows her to stay with him.

In Series 13 Episode 3, Neil lets Libby spend the day at the school, but is adamant that he will take her to the airport to go back to New Zealand at the end of the day. Libby, however, quickly shows her manipulative side, guilt-tripping Coral and persuading Neil to let her stay, before trying to split them up by lying to Coral that Neil saw their relationship as "a bit of fun" and "nothing serious". Libby also stands up to Schuey Weever when he reads part of Shola Aku's diary aloud to the school.

In Series 13 Episode 4, Libby has her first day as a proper student at the school. She sees Kelly Jo holding a pregnancy test in the girls' toilets, and antagonises Kelly Jo throughout the day, making her jealous by befriending her best friend Samia, and finally deliberately winds Kelly Jo up by dropping hints about her pregnancy that no-one else would pick up on during Kelly Jo's talk on Jamaica, until Kelly Jo snaps and attacks her in front of everyone. Libby also continues to manipulate the situation with Neil and Coral, particularly about Amy Spratt being Neil's lodger, by lying to Coral about Amy and Neil being like an "old married couple" at home and that Amy walks around the house "in her underwear", until Amy agrees to move into the box room at the house and gives Libby her old bedroom back.

In Series 13 Episode 5 it is mock exam day, and Libby steals a GCSE history paper from Neil's desk and gives it to Samia, though it later transpires that it is the wrong paper when Samia fails the mock. When Samia later tells Libby that she would be too busy to hang out with her, Libby cruelly ends their friendship calling Samia "draining and clingy". Libby also films an altercation between Amy and Schuey and posts it online where it goes viral, almost costing Amy her career. Libby also uses Coral's laptop to steal money from Chlo's charity after watching Coral type her password in.

In Series 13 Episode 6, Libby is one of the students who are forced to come into school on inset day to do GSCE revision with Maths teacher Marc Todd while the rest of the staff are away attending teacher training sessions at another school. Schuey locks Marc in the cupboard and the students run amok in the staffroom, with Libby revealing she had brought vodka into school, and the students get drunk. Libby later has sex with Kelly Jo's boyfriend Dean in a cupboard, and Kelly Jo catches them coming out of the cupboard. Coral later confronts Libby about the stolen money after discovering that the money was sent to an account in New Zealand, and Libby guilt-trips Coral into not telling Neil.

In Series 13 Episode 7, Libby continues to wind Kelly Jo up about sleeping with Dean, saying that she "did her a favour", and Neil finds out when he finds a leaflet about the morning after pill in Coral's handbag. When Coral says that she will also tell Neil about the stolen money as she doesn't want to keep anything else from him, Libby throws herself down the stairs and lies that Coral pushed her.

In Series 13 Episode 8, the truth comes out about Libby's web of lies after she hands in a plagiarised essay to Amy pretending that she worked really hard on it, and Amy reveals this to Neil, saying if Libby can lie so easily about that then what else has she lied about. Neil forces Libby to admit everything and to apologise to Coral.

Series 14[]

In Series 14 Episode 1, Libby is being cyberbullied via anonymous texts. Libby gains support from an unexpected source when Kelly Jo comes across her crying in the toilets. Libby suspects Dean of being the cyberbully, and Kelly Jo pretends to Dean that she is amused by the cyberbullying, tricking him into confessing that it was him. When he realises that she tricked him and is actually on Libby's side, he kicks off big time, screaming at Kelly Jo, threatening Libby and ultimately getting permanently excluded after trying to punch Neil.

Later in the series, new deaf pupil Jared Jones starts at Waterloo Road, and Libby immediately takes a shine to him, agreeing to boddy up with him, and they quickly start a relationship. Their relationship quickly hits the rocks after Jared laughs along with some girls when they mock the fact that Libby is in Amy's new school choir. To make it up to her, Jared later joins the choir himself, and they make up.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Libby's actress, Hattie Dynevor, is the daughter of actress Sally Dynevor, who has appeared in Coronation Street as Sally Metcalfe (previously Webster) since 1986. Hattie's sister Phoebe Dynevor also appeared in Waterloo Road, as Siobhan Mailey in Series 5.


  • "Y'alright? Who's this?" (first line)

  • Libby: "You don't understand, Dad, I hate it there! I hate the house, I hate the school, and I hate her."
  • Neil: "You need to go home."
  • Libby: "New Zealand's not my home, this is! I wanna be here with you, Dad. Please?"

  • "Nothing much, just persuading my dad to let me say, and spinning Miss Walker a sob story. I got 'em both wrapped round my little finger."

  • "Miss Walker seems to think she has to look out for me just cos she's locking tonsils with my dad."

  • Libby: "What's the matter, Kelly Jo? Have I said something to upset you?"
  • Kelly Jo: "You know you have, you evil COW, LIBBY GUTHRIE!"

  • Libby: "To be honest, being your friend is quite hard work. You're quite hard work. I've gotta be living my best life, and I just can't be doing that with you hanging off me. You're quite...draining. No offence, I mean people musta said that to you before."
  • Samia: "No."
  • Libby: "No-one's told you that you're draining and clingy?"

  • Noel: "Wait, I thought you were a teacher's kid, you?"
  • Libby: "Yeah, we're the worst, haven't you heard?"

  • "You really wanna be stuck with someone you met when you were 16? You could have anyone you liked. You can be an idiot at times, but there's actually something quite cute about you."

  • Libby: "Reckon I did you a favour."
  • Kelly Jo: "You what?"
  • Libby: "Well, you couldn't keep him, at least now you know."

  • Libby: "I mean, if it wasn't me, it coulda been anyone. How can you trust someone that does that to you? You deserve so much better."
  • Kelly Jo: "Thank you, I'll take a note."
  • Libby: "And I mean, if he really loved you, he wouldn'ta looked at me, would he?"

  • Kelly Jo: "Y'alright? I don't think I've ever seen you cry."
  • Libby: "Yeah, well, your lucky day."

  • Jared: "I'm so sorry. I was such a-"
  • Libby: "How do you sign 'idiot'?"