Kenzie Calhoun was as student at Waterloo Road who appeared in Series 10. It is discovered that she is illiterate, having failed to spend much time at school due to caring for her mother, who has myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), also known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). She was mentioned by one of her old schools as having "kleptomaniac tendencies", which is due to the fact that she was stealing people's school books to copy their work.
Series 10[]
In Series 10 Episode 11, new deputy headteacher Lorna Hutchinson gets to the bottom of Kenzie's previous bad behaviour. She discovers that Kenzie is illiterate and promises that the school will help her. Kenzie and Lorna form a close bond throughout the rest of the series.
Kenzie also acts cold towards other new student Scott Fairchild, who she previously knew. It turns out that he previously 'took her virginity' and they had broken up.
In Episode 12, she claims that Christine Mulgrew treats her like a child when she is being taught the basics of reading and writing. Christine says it has to be done. Finally, Kenzie says to Lorna that she wants her to teach her. Lorna and Vaughan come to a decision about what to do. After Scott causes Kevin Chalk to injure himself in a bicycle accident, she encourages him to do the right thing for once in his life. Although the two of them still act coldly towards one another, she was glad to have made an impression on him.
In Episode 13, Kenzie is mortified when Bonnie lets slip to Justin and Scott that she can't read or write. Kenzie warns Bonnie to leave her alone.
In Episode 14, during the geography field trip to the coast, Kenzie finds out from Bonnie that Scott has been sleeping with her mother. Mortified, she attacks Scott, but his held back by Justin.
In Episode 15, Kenzie and Justin begin a relationship, much to the annoyance of Scott.
In Episode 16, having given her mum the silent treatment for a few days, Kenzie decides to leave home. She moves into the schoolhouse after Maggie Budgen agrees to let her stay. Justin convinces Scott to fix everything, due to this being his fault. Scott goes to talk to Kenzie's mother, who manages to make amends with Kenzie. After this, Kenzie returns home.
in Episode 17, things reach breaking point between Justin and Scott. The two of them are caught fighting in the corridor. Mortified, Kenzie breaks up the fight and says she wants nothing to do with either of them anymore.
In Episode 20, Kenzie is locked in the school fridge along with Marco D'Olivera by Lorna Hutchinson's controlling husband Rob Hutchinson. Kenzie is upset that she is unable to give her speech at the meeting to save Waterloo Road from the threatened merger. Scott speaks for her. In the end, Scott and Kenzie can't deny their feelings for one another any longer. They get back together and are last seen celebrating as the school is saved.
- Kenzie lives at 33 Shilden Road, as mentioned by Bonnie.
- "Yeah, like a dog misses mange." (first line)
- "No, you. Stay out of my face. Mum was right about you, she always said you were a loser!"
- "All children have the right to give their opinion when an adult is making a decision that will affect them, and all adults should take them seriously. UNICEF, Charter of Rights for Children, Article 12."
- Kenzie: "Leave it out, Scott! You're always so full of it, aren't you? Always dissing other people, always showing off in front of sad little wannabes with fake tan and push-up bras-"
- Olga: "Kenzie!"
- Kenzie:: "Kids who might have a pulse, but actually have zero personality."
- Scott: "Oh, what's your problem, you jealous? Or are you just as lame as that sponging layabout mother of yours?"
- Lorna: "D'you look after your mum alone?"
- Kenzie: "God no! We get 24 hours round the clock! An army of carers. Everyone in the neighbourhood mucks in as well, no-one has a bad word to say about us! All really supportive! What do you think?"
- "No, all I give a damn about is that you made a fool of me. You could have my virginity, I wanted that gone. But you took it, you blabbed about it, and you made me a laughing stock. I'll never forgive that. But now, you can't touch me."
- "I'm - I'm thick! OK? I'm stupid. Don't you get it? I c...I can't read. I can't write. I never learnt. I fake everything."
- Kenzie: "Like stopping fights, don't you? Quite the little peacemaker, really."
- Justin: "Didn't seem that impressed before?"
- Kenzie: "Maybe I was a bit harsh. Maybe."
- "Look, I'm not your mate, Scott. Never was, never will be, but I don't have to be your enemy either. So you don't bother me, I don't bother you. Best I can do."
- Kenzie: "Why you being so nice?"
- Justin: "Why d'you think?"
- Kenzie: "I'm with Justin now. This - this is never gonna happen!"
- Scott: "It'll always be me, and it'll always be you, you know that."
- "She wiggles that bum any harder, it'll fall off."
- Scott: "Kenzie, look, I'm s-"
- Kenzie: "SHUT UP!"
- Justin: "Kenzie..."
- Kenzie: "You shut up too! I don't want anything to do with either of you!"
- Justin: "Wasn't expecting to see you here."
- Kenzie: "Yeah, I bet you weren't. It's not every day your ex gets outed as a techno-stalker."
- Justin: "So you believe it was me too?"
- Kenzie: "Wouldn't be here if I did."
- "But he didn't do it, he's just saying he did it to protect that stupid brat of a brother! You've got the wrong son! Justin's covering for Leo, can't you see? Or don't you want to see what's staring you in the face?!"
- "Like a dog misses mange." (final line)