Jessica "Jess" Fisher is a former pupil of Waterloo Road. She is the middle child and youngest daughter of Karen and Charlie Fisher. She arrives at the start of Series 6 along with her mother (who was the Headmistress), father (who was a supply teacher), brother Harry Fisher, and later her missing older sister, Bex Fisher. She left in Series 7 Episode 10, along with her mother and brother, after her mother was fired due to poor management of the school. At the time of her departure, Jess was pregnant with Aiden Scotcher's child.
Jess is full of contradictions; on the one hand involving herself in an adult relationship with a man who doesn't know she's a schoolgirl and on the other playing games to be popular and lying to her parents to keep their approval. Cool, sarky and confident nature ensured her popularity at school and made sure she was never short of admirers. She is also aware of how popular and pretty she is. Jess and Karen have a feisty relationship; Jess feels like she can never live up to Karen's lost daughter Bex.
She has a complex home life, simultaneously resenting, whilst really missing her older sister Bex who used to make their family life bearable. Also, Vicki doesn't approve of Jess's promiscuity, and isn't afraid to say so. Jess also finds herself at the pinnacle of a love triangle, as both Jonah Kirby and Finn Sharkey fight over her. Jonah wants Jess to work out who she really is and their love affair plays out at the heart of Waterloo Road.
Jess previously bedded Chris - a man ten years her senior - and led on Finn Sharkey, who was younger than her, but Series 7 sees Jess finally fall into a relationship with a boy her own age. It's not going to be plain sailing though - Aiden Scotcher has a wondering eye and although he's mad about Jess, he also has a thing for her best friend Vicki.
Series 6
Jess started Waterloo Road with her mother Karen Fisher, her father Charlie Fisher, brother Harry Fisher and is later joined by her sister Bex Fisher. Jess's home life is complicated; she has a missing sister and a feisty relationship with her mother. She also has a deep dark secret only her and Christopher Mead know. The night before the first day of term saw that Jess had bedded a man way older than herself, not until the next morning Jess realised that she had bedded her Science teacher and her mother's deputy head.
Chris soon made it clear that their relationship wouldn't continue and that it was just a one night stand, but this didn't stop Jess from liking Chris. Jess told Vicki MacDonald about her and Chris, as Vicki saw Jess leaving Chris's flat. Chris found out that Jess had told Vicki and he was furious. Vicki blackmailed Chris into giving her good grades or she would tell everyone about his one night stand with Jess.
Jess's parents got a divorce because Karen found out that Charlie had been having an affair. Charlie then told Jess and she was so upset - but she didn't really show it, and then Jess told Harry.
Jess started dating Finn Sharkey, but once she realised that Finn had been bullying her little brother Harry she then ended their relationship, claiming that she only went out with Finn for a dare. Jess's next relationship was with Jonah Kirby. Jess hadn't told Jonah about her and Chris because she didn't want to lose Jonah. Jonah found out about Jess and Chris and he went mad and nearly outed them in front of the whole school. Jonah ended his relationship with Jess because she kept secrets from him and he just couldn't trust her anymore.
Jess also had to deal with Bex's porn-obsessed boyfriend, Dylan Hodge, who made a film of Jess and many of Bex. Hodge threatened to post the video of Jess online unless Bex got back with him, Bex said she would go with Hodge because she loved her sister and she didn't want her getting hurt. When Bex returned, Jess's relationship with her mum improved, even her relationship with her brother Harry improved, but Jess's relationship with her sister Bex deteriorated as Bex was keeping so many secrets from her, but above all this, Jess helped Bex through the crisis with Hodge, and after Hodge was arrested, they kind of lived a happy family life.
Series 7
This series saw a new start for Jess and the Fisher family, as now her dad was with another woman and her sister was off at University it was only Jess, Harry and Karen.
Jess soon set her eyes on Aiden Scotcher. Aiden's dad told him not to get into a relationship, but Aiden couldn't resist Jess or her best mate Vicki. Jess had been dating Aiden for a while when she found out that Aiden had been seeing Vicki behind her back. Jess was so upset and she ended her relationship with Aiden.
Ronan told Jess that Vicki was pregnant and it was Aiden's. Soon after that, Jess found out that she was pregnant and it was Aiden's as well. Soon enough the whole school found out that both girls were pregnant with Aiden's child.
Episode 10 was, unbeknownst to them, Jess, Harry and Karen's last day at Waterloo Road, because after the spidoe's conclusion, Karen was fired from her role as Headteacher. Just before Jess left, Aiden asked if he could be part of their baby's life. Jess leaves Waterloo Road with her mother and brother whilst pregnant with Aiden's child and contemplating whether he would be able to change.
- Jess was a fan of the Black Eyed Peas.
- At the time of her departure from the series, Jess was 18 years old, yet her actress, Linzey Cocker, was 24 in real life.
- Jess's actress, Linzey Cocker, was previously married to Oliver Lee, the actor of her on-screen boyfriend Aiden Scotcher. They have a daughter together.
- "You not coming back to bed?" (first line)
- "Whatever. Nice shoes, yeah?"
- Jess: "No, don't believe that, okay, because little piggies have big ears. And you are Mummy's little piggy, aren't you?"
- Harry: "You're not supposed to call me that any more."
- Jess: "But it suits you, Piggy!"
- Jess: "What? Am I not allowed to speak to you any more?"
- Chris: "I'm at school. You can't do this!"
- Jess: "Answer my texts and I won't need to! Chris, it is not a big deal."
- Chris: "It's Mr Mead, and it's a huge deal."
- Jess: "You know what, we've got something, okay? And I'm not gonna let it just go away because you're scared of my mum."
- "It was supposed to be a fresh start, wasn't it? And then there you are, two minutes in and you tell everyone about it to try and make them like you! Cry on Christopher's shoulder, did you? 'Oh, poor Karen, eh, all she's been through'. Well you left out one small detail, Mum. IT WAS YOUR FAULT!" (in relation to Bex Fisher's disappearance).
- "Yeah. Because it's all you ever talk about, you crazy swamped her when she was here, and now she's gone, you're swamping us. You can hardly blame her for leaving."
- "You're the one? You're not even pretty!" (when she meets Maria Lucas)
- Maria: "Look, it's okay-"
- Finn: "You hate your brother!"
- Jess: "He's my brother, I'm allowed to hate 'im! You know, I only went out with you for a dare. See if the rumours were true." (after punching Finn Sharkey for bullying Harry)
- Jonah: "You jumped in bed with the guy! Not denying it, are you?"
- Jess: "It happened before I even knew you. And it finished ages ago, I didn't know he was a teacher, Jonah, and he didn't know I was a pupil."
- Charlie: "Because Maria's got a new job down there."
- Jess: "Right, okay, so you're just gonna follow her like a little puppy dog? Shows how much you care about us."
- Jess: "Something's happened..."
- Karen: "What is it, Jess?"
- Bex: "Mum." (the return of Bex)
- Bex: "Sorry. I thought you were like, a burglar or something."
- Jess: "What, one with their own keys?"
- "Mum, don't go wading in, OK? No matter how much you want to, I tried that, I really did. But the closer you get, the further she'll run, and if you push her, then she'll just go."
- Karen: "Well, has he got a name?"
- Jess: "Yeah, it's Ewan, okay? Happy?"
- Bex: "What if he makes you do this and I can't stop him?!"
- Jess: "I don't care, I won't do it, he can't make me!"
- Aiden: "So d'you know anywhere we could escape to?"
- Jess: "You're a bit full of yourself, aren't you?"
- Vicki: "He's been seeing me behind your back."
- Jess: "You and her?"
- Aiden: "Baby-"
- Jess: "Get off me!"
- "I'll tell you what's going on. That slapper, my so-called best mate, slept with my BOYFRIEND!" (slapping Vicki as she said 'boyfriend')
- " period's late. Two weeks. It's Aiden's."
- "I don't think you're gonna get the sympathy vote on getting pregnant with that idiot."
- Aiden: "I do wanna be involved in the baby's life, though. It's completely up to you. I'm not gonna make any demands. I just..."
- Jess: "You just what?"
- Aiden: "This is really special, and I don't wanna miss it. I don't want this baby to grow up and think that its dad didn't care about it."
- Jess: "OK." (final line)
- Aiden: "Thank you."