Imogen Mulgrew (née Stewart) was a pupil at Waterloo Road. She is married to Connor Mulgrew, with Christine being her mother-in-law. Before her relationship with Connor, Imogen appeared not to have many friends. She is outspoken and has incredibly strong views on some situations. Some matters have become clear - others have had to learn the hard way!
Highly intelligent and just as opinionated, Imogen Stewart is kind, caring, and forthright, but something of an outsider. Sensible Imogen was a key player in the sixth years' protest against budget cuts, bringing her into conflict with her mother-in-law, Christine. However, her rational approach won results, leading to the successful Apprentice scheme and school recycling business. Her blissful relationship with Connor could take a shaky turn when she suspects him of hiding something from her.
Imogen isn't like most teenagers; conformity and trying to be normal isn't her style. Sensitive and sparky, Imogen is a girl who loves to live in her own world, and thinks she can find a similar person in Connor Mulgrew.
However, despite being a non-conformist, Imogen's still sensitive over things that make her different - namely her deafness and the scars caused by Connor's fire.
Connor sets fire to the school which causes her to get hurt and she is left with a large scar on her neck. Connor avoids her after the fire, leaving her wondering if he didn't like her physical appearance anymore. Connor later owns up to her that he started the fire, in hopes of making things right with her by being honest. She rejects Connor and he is taken away by the police.
After she and Connor get back together, he proposes to her, and she accepts, though they keep it a secret.
Imogen's best friend is Dynasty Barry.
Imogen has very strong opinions as to those who wrong her. However, she can also be quite easily trusting and is usually willing to give almost anyone a chance. This is shown by her acceptance of Gabriella Wark in Series 9 Episode 13, despite the clear tension between the pair in Episode 11 due to the fact that as soon as Gabriella arrived at the school, she kissed Connor.
Imogen's burns and the fire that caused it are only ever mentioned a few times in Series 9, and the issue of her hearing aids is never mentioned again.
Now married to Connor, and out in the open, Imogen and Connor look to have a great future together. At the end of Series 9, they move to London together after Connor gets a job there as a kitchen porter and Imogen gets a conditional offer from a drama school there. Neither are seen again.
Imogen is optimistic, idealistic, astute and highly intelligent. She has emotional issues, though not extreme. Also, because of her high intelligence, she strives to do well in her exams but also a tends to have a heavy reaction towards her own mistakes, shown in Series 9 Episodes 1-4.
- Imogen is the first character in Waterloo Road history to deal with some form of hearing loss, the second is Luca Smith, and the third is Jared Jones.
- Imogen relies on hearing aids as a result of hearing impairment caused by childhood meningitis.
- In Imogen's final episode, she said she received an offer from "the London School of Drama". It is possible she was referring to the London School of Dramatic Art.
- "For real?" (first line)
- "Imogen. And I reckon something happened to you on that road. It was like you were in a trance or something. You see, I reckon you had some sort of out-of-body experience. You know, a moment when you stepped into another conscious realm. I'm into that stuff. Raptures, trances, astral planing. I reckon we should test you. You might have a gift, you know." (to Lula)
- "You were just looking after her, eh? Parents. They're a worry. You bring them up, you try and teach them right from wrong, but in the end, you have to let them fly from the nest."
- Connor: "Are you asking me on a date?"
- Imogen: "Calm yourself. It's just a film."
- Sally: "Why aren't you wearing your hearing aids?"
- Imogen: "I don't need them. I like the solitude. I'm fine with being deaf."
- Imogen: [mouthing and signing] "I'm deaf."
- Connor: "Deaf?"
- Imogen: "Does it matter?"
- Imogen: "You're such a slag! How could you do this to me?!"
- Maggie: "That's enough you two!"
- Imogen: "What do you think you're doing? He's a kid!"
- Sally: "He's 18! It was just a bit of fun."
- Imogen: "He had a bet on, bet his mates he could go all the way! Sex for money, d'you know what that makes you?!"
- Christine: "I've done you a favour, dear, I told you I was the good fairy."
- Imogen: "You're a monster, is what! All he wanted was a bit of peace away from you! To be loved my someone who doesn't kick him in the process!"
- Christine: "Oh, bring out the violins."
- Imogen: "To have some time to himself for once, instead of looking after you every minute of the day! And you're telling him to grow up?!"
- Christine: "I am his mother!"
- Imogen: "You're a roaring alcoholic who's been screwing him up for as long as he can remember! Irony is, he protects you! Cos you've taught him to lie, cheat, manipulate, rather than show you up for the nutjob you really are! You need help, Mrs Mulgrew! It kills Connor watching you drink yourself to death! He's trapped and he's desperate and he needs away from you!"
- "Are you happy now? You've got what you wanted. He can't even stand to look at me. You've won."
- Connor: "Hiya. You look nice."
- Imogen: "Thanks for noticing. But you know what? I don't what anything more to do with you."
- "What are you doing here? I can't believe you'd even show your face after what you told me!"
- "Were. And please don't patronise me. I hate what he did, and I always will. And he has to live with that. I just don't see how excluding him will help, no matter how easy that would be. And if I don't, what right has the school?"
- "I'm proud of what you did, but there is no us. The scars on my face might heal, but not in my heart. Sorry."
- Imogen: "Connor Mulgrew, will you marry me?"
- Connor: "I already asked you and you said yes-"
- Imogen: "Will you marry me today? The registry office called - they've had a cancellation for this afternoon! It's ours if we want it!"
- "You kidding me? Dynasty Barry playing chess? I'm so proud of you. At last, someone with the brains to take on Kevin Chalk."
- Dynasty: "Hi, everyone! I just wanted to let you know, today is my last day. Aren't you gonna say anything?"
- Imogen: "Like what? Well done, you're fulfilling your potential as a gangster's moll?"
- "Yeah? Well he's more of a man than you'll ever be. So back off and find someone as ugly as yourself to hassle."
- Imogen: "Dundee have sent me a pack about their open day. We could all go up together. Might cheer you up."
- Kevin: "Cool."
- Imogen: "You need to make a decision soon. We want to get into the same place, don't we?"
- "Oi. Me and Connor are gonna make an official complaint about Miss Spark. Are you in?"
- Imogen: "You don't get back with someone just cos they planned a picnic."
- Connor: "Come on, how many guys would do that for a girl? Can we not just be happy for them?"
- Imogen: "Suppose it is a pretty good picnic."
- Connor: "Today's been really good."
- Imogen: "Half the school getting medical treatment, you mean?"
- George: "Now, I'll need you in groups of four for this. Remember this is an exercise to test your grammar, which hopefully you will be rather better in French than your somewhat tenuous grasp on English."
- Imogen: "What's that, sir? Is that anything like the tenuous grasp you have on Mandarin?"
- "Well, you know someone from the PTA sits in on the headteacher interviews? My mum's on the PTA."
- "I know what's been going on. With Cookie?"
- "It's all wrong. How can she stand in the way of your dreams like that? I'm never gonna do that to our kids. If they have a passion for something, I'm gonna tell them to go for it, even if it means I won't see them for a year cos they're in the jungle somewhere, or on another planet tattooing aliens."
- "Look, I don't need this. Connor moved to London today! You seem to've forgotten, and you, you're just taking it out on me!"
- "Men need to be told how you're feeling. They don't do telepathy very well."
- Imogen: "I did. The London School of Drama sent me an unconditional offer."
- Dynasty: "That is amazing!"
- Imogen: "Not when your husband's moving back to Scotland to look after his mum."
- "Congratulations!" (final line)