BBC Waterloo Road Wiki

Holly Tattersall is a former pupil at Waterloo Road. Holly was involved in the car accident that killed her boyfriend, Adam Deardon in the first episode. She is close friends with Chlo Grainger and Donte Charles.

After the crash, Holly is left in a deep coma, leaving both Chlo and Donte terrified of what she will remember when she wakes up and that she will reveal what really happened on the night of the accident. All Chlo cares about is making sure Donte doesn't go to prison for killing a student and putting her "best friend" in a coma.

When Holly wakes from her coma, Chlo rushes to the hospital to find out what she can remember. Holly's last memory is Donte driving and Chlo in the passenger seat.

In the court case, Holly names Donte as the driver of the vehicle. Chlo is upset that Holly told the truth and didn't cover up for Donte.

Holly is last seen when Chlo uses her as a cover story when she goes to spend the night at Donte's.
