A lad who was only ever identified by the single name Helmsley was a member of a gang of chavs in Series 2 which also included Lewis Seddon. The gang were all excluded Waterloo Road students (Though Lewis was the only one we saw in the show when he was a student).
In S2E2, the gang robbed a convenience store, leading to the owner, Mr Patel, having a breakdown and throwing produce from the shop down on the playground at the school.
In S2E3, Seddon and Helmsley forced their way into Donte Charles' house when Donte had snuck off there to have sex with Chlo Grainger for the first time. Seddon and Helmsley partied into the night at Donte's house and didn't leave until the next morning at the start of S2E4.
In S2E6, the gang turned up on school grounds while Seddon spoke to his girlfriend Maxine Barlow. Maxine's stepfather, Kevin Hurst, at the time a school kitchen worker, came out and threatened Seddon to stay away from Maxine. Later, the gang followed Kevin with the intention of beating him up, but they lost him when he disappeared into some woods, where, unbeknownst to them at the time, Kevin tried to rape Stacey Appleyard, as he was the serial attacker who had also attacked Celine Dixon.
When Kevin disappeared into the woods, the gang left, and this is the last we see of Helmsley.
Behind the scenes[]
Helmsley was played by Mikey North, who is far better known for his current role as Gary Windass on Coronation Street, a part he has played since 2008.